Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ionic Liquids in the Chemical Synthesis of Pharmaeuticals

Ionic liquids provide an alternative to certain solvents in select reactions used to synthesize intermediates and active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Although their physical and chemical properties seem unusual, ionic liquids are simply molten salts with melting points below 100 °C, not far from room temperature. With this technology, a liquid is available that consists entirely of ions making it different from all other “conventional” liquids. Most people are familiar with liquids that are neutral such as water or solvents such as ethanol or toluene. This relatively new class of chemicals with unique properties offers some very exciting opportunities in synthesis and chemical processing.

The physical and chemical properties of ionic liquids can be expected to be very different from those of typical “neutral” liquids. When ionic liquids were first studied extensively and articles published in the late 1990s, this small, but important difference, triggered huge interest and excitement in the academic world. Within a short time of their discovery, ionic liquids received enormous attention by academic and industrial communities. Mainly chemists pioneered work with these new materials (1). Their hope was that the ionic nature of ionic liquids would drastically change speed and selectivity of a variety of chemical reactions. Extensive work has been carried out in the past few years, which is probably best summarized in a book (Ionic Liquids in Synthesis) by Wasserscheid and Welton for which a second extended edition has been published (2).

The key properties that set ionic liquids apart from other liquids include the following:
• Existing as molten salts, in many cases even below room temperature
• Highly polar
• Often immiscible with organic solvents
• Literally no vapor pressure
• Nonflammable
• Large liquidus range (typically > 300 °C grade)
• Electrically conducting
• Remarkable dissolution properties (e.g., wood, cellulose, polyamides)
• High thermostability.

Commercial applications of ionic liquids
The first commercial and large-scale application of ionic liquids was accomplished and reported by BASF in 2004 (3–9). The BASF “BASIL” process (i.e., BASIL is Biphasic Acid Scavenging utilizing Ionic Liquids) was introduced for the synthesis of alkoxyphenylphosphines, which are important raw materials for photoinitiators. HCl is formed during the synthesis of diethoxyphenylphosphine (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: The synthesis of diethoxyphenylphosphine. Figure courtesy of BASF SE.

Scavenging with conventional tertiary amines results in a thick, nonstirable slurry that leads to lower yields and capacities because of insufficient mixing and heat transfer. The idea of BASF researchers was to use an ionic liquid precursor as an acid scavenger. This concept turned out to be successful with 1-methylimidazole. After the reaction with HCl, an ionic liquid is formed: 1-methyl-imidazolium chloride (Hmim Cl), which is a liquid at reaction temperature. Therefore, during the reaction, two clear liquid phases occur (see Figure 2) that can easily be separated. The upper phase is the pure product (no solvent is needed anymore); the lower phase is the pure ionic liquid. Hmim Cl can be switched on and off through simple protonation and deprotonation. This property is crucial for recycling and purification of the ionic liquids.

Figure 2: The BASIL process. After the reaction, two clear liquid phases are obtained: the upper phase is the pure product, and the lower phase is the ionic liquid 1-methyl-imidazolium chloride (Hmim Cl). Figure courtesy of BASF SE.

The advantage of this process setup is even greater as 1-methylimidazole also acts as a nucleophilic catalyst with completion of the phosphorylation reaction in less than 1 s (10). Now, having eliminated the formation of solids and increased the reaction rate, new reactor concepts were possible. Instead of using a large vessel, the reaction could be carried out in a tiny jet reactor with the size of a human thumb (see Figure 3). Doing so, the process productivity could be increased by a factor of 8 x 104 to 690,000 kg m-3 h-1. At the end of 2004, BASF successfully started a dedicated BASIL plant using this jet-stream reactor technology.

Figure 3: The BASIL process is run in a small jet reactor that has a capacity of 690,000 kg m-3 h-1. Figure courtesy of BASF SE.

In addition, the new process offers advantages in eco-efficiency. Recently, it was shown that the BASIL technology is by far more sustainable than the process using tertiary amines (11).

Further investigations revealed that BASIL is not restricted to phosphorylation chemistry but is a general solution to all kinds of acid-scavenging needs (3–9). Acylations and silylations have been investigated successfully as well as an elimination reaction. BASIL is also applicable to extractive acid removal from organic phases such as for the purpose of purification.

Other applications of ionic liquids
Applying ionic liquids in chemical reactions is not limited to acid scavenging. A strong effect of ionic liquids can be expected for all reactions with dipolar transition states. Many reactions have been studied, including:
• Nucleophilic and electrophilic substitution/addition
• Acid catalysis, Friedel–Crafts–catalysis
• Nitration
• Halogenation
• Diels–Alder and “ene” eeactions
• Esterification
• Michael additions
• Mannich reactions
• Oxidation and epoxidation (2).

Nevertheless, in a number of cases, the advantages of running the reaction in an ionic liquid compared with a classical solvent were small, not meeting anticipated high expectations or justifying extra expense. There are examples, however, as in the BASIL process, where ionic liquids offer valuable advantages. In those cases, there is a combination of improved speed or selectivity and advantages in chemical processing. There are four classes of chemical reactions where advantages are evident:
• Nucleophilic substitutions
• Acid and Friedel–Crafts–catalysis
• High-temperature reactions (e.g., Rearrangement reactions, Diels–Alder, Heck couplings)
• Oxidation and epoxidation

Nucleophilic substitutions. For nucleophilic substitutions, BASF surprisingly found that chlorination of alcohols can be achieved with high yields ( > 98% just by using HCl gas if carried out in an ionic liquid (12). This reaction is typically done with phosgene, SOCl2, PCl3 or PCl5 in order to achieve sufficient conversion and selectivity. Ionic liquids are by far the superior solvent for these reactions because ether byproducts, which typically are the dead-ends of the reaction in classic solvents, are further cleaved in the ionic environment. This condition is supported by a publication from researchers at Eli Lilly who describe the demethylation of the usually very difficult to cleave aromatic methoxy ethers by using HCl in an ionic liquid (13).

Acid catalysis. In the field of acid catalysis, the advantages of ionic liquids arise from the use of nonvolatile, liquid, and easy-to-separate catalysts. Moreover, very remarkable physicochemical properties can be achieved. One example is super acidity. With the system 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium (EMIM) Al2Cl7 • HCl, H0-values on the Hammett acidity scale of approximately –15 can be achieved, which is comparable to the acidity of liquid HF (14–15). For comparison, 100% sulfuric acid has a H0 of –12.3, and 100% trifluoromethansulfonic acid has a H0 of –14.1.

The superacidity is caused by the following equilibrium (see Figure 4) (14-15):

Figure 4: Equilibrium of the 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium (EMIM) Al2Cl7 • HCl. Figure courtesy of BASF SE

Al2Cl7 absorbs the chloride anion of HCl gas so efficiently that a “naked“ superacidic proton is left over.

High-temperature reactions. For high-temperature reactions, the advantage of ionic liquids as solvents is their high thermostability and nonvolatility. In many ionic liquids, reactions can be carried out in standard equipment at temperatures above 200 °C without the use of autoclaves.

Oxidation chemistry. A fourth very attractive field for ionic liquids is oxidation chemistry where suitable stable classical organic solvents are typically hard to find.

Ionic liquids in separation technologies.
Ionic liquids offer a huge potential in separation technology. They have, for example, the ability to break azeotropes and act as so-called entrainers (16-18). Many classical azeotropes such as ethanol/water or tetrohydrofuran/water can be broken by adding ionic liquids to the mixture as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Equilibrium-phase diagram for the system of tetrahydrofuran (THF)/water. The solid line shows the classic azeotropic mixture. The dots indicate how the azeotrope has been broken after addition of the ionic liquid. The amount of THF in the vapor phase is always larger than in the liquid phase. Units are in molfraction of THF. Figure courtesy of BASF SE.

The advantage of an ionic liquid over a classic entrainer is that ionic liquids have no vapor pressure. This property means that the entrainer itself does not need to be distilled. A second separation column is not needed, and energy can be saved. A benchmark calculation reveals a savings potential of roughly 37% for energy costs and 22% for investment in equipment. BASF has run an extractive distillation process in a pilot plant continuously for three months. Although the ionic liquid faced a severe thermal treatment of about 250 °C in the recycling step, its performance fully remained without any purge. This underlines the high thermal stability of ionic liquids, and that very high recycling rates are possible without a decrease in performance.

Ionic liquids also exhibit remarkable extraction properties in liquid-liquid extractions (19). One example is the removal of phenols from reaction mixtures. The classic way of doing this is an extraction with caustic, acidification, and re-extraction of the phenol with an organic solvent plus subsequent distillation. This process is a multistep procedure, which includes generation of a wastewater stream. If other components are sensitive to high pHs, even some product decomposition and loss of yield could occur. BASF has found that acidic ionic liquids such as EMIM HSO4 are very efficient extractants for phenols. More than 95% of the phenol has been removed from an organic solvent in one-step extraction and more than 99.8% in a two-step extraction. Other components sensitive under basic conditions are not affected by the acidic ionic liquid. Also, the recycling procedure for the ionic liquid is relatively easy. It is a one-step distillation of phenol from the ionic liquid. The nonvolatile ionic liquid is left at the bottom, whereas the phenol distills off and can be reused. This is just a one-step workup without generation of any wastewater stream.

The examples discussed in this article demonstrate that ionic liquids are no longer just laboratory curiosities, but have shown to bring commercial value in chemical synthesis and separation technology. They are available at large-scale quantities and can be handled successfully on an industrial scale in chemical processes.


1. M. Freemantle, “Designer Solvents: Ionic Liquids May Boost Clean Technology Development,” Chem. Eng. News 76 (13), 32–37 (1998).

2. P. Wasserscheid and T. Welton, Eds., Ionic Liquids in Synthesis, (Wiley-VCH, 2nd edition Weinheim, Germany, 2007).

3. BASF SE, “Method for the Separation of Acids from Chemical Reaction Mixtures by Means of Ionic Fluids," World Patent WO/2003/062171, Jul. 31, 2003.

4. BASF SE, “Method for the Separation of Acids from Chemical Reaction Mixtures by Means of Ionic Fluids,” World Patent WO/2003/062251, Jul. 31, 2003.

5. BASF SE, “Method for Isolating Acids from Chemical Reaction Mixtures by Using 1-Alkylimidazoles,” World Patent WO2005/061416, Jul. 7, 2005.

6. M. Maase, “Aus der Industrie Erstes technisches Verfahren mit ionischen Flüssigkeiten,” Chemie unserer Zeit, 38 (6) 434–435 (2004).

7. M. Freemantle, “BASF’s Smart Ionic Liquid,” Chem. Eng. News 81 (13), 9 (2003).

8. K.R. Sed­don, “Ionic liquids: A Taste of the Future,” Nature Mater. 2 (6) 363–365 (2003).

9. K.R. Seddon and R.D. Rogers, “Ionic Liquids: Solvents of the Future,” Science, 302 (5646) 792–793 (2003).

10. J. Chojnowski, M. Cypryk, and W. Fortuniak, “The Extension of the Mechanistic Concept of the Nucleophilic Catalysis in the Silicon Chemistry to Some Reactions of the P(III) center: Analogies between Silylation and Phosphorylation,” Heteroatom. Chem. 2 (1), 63–70, 1991.

11. M. Maase, “An Improved Way of Doing It,” presented at the 1st International Congress on Ionic Liquids, Salzburg, Austria, Jun. 20, 2005.

12. BASF SE, “Method for Producing Haloalkanes From Alcohols,” World Patent WO/2005/026089, Mar. 24, 2005.

13. C.R. Schmid et al., “Demethylation of 4-Methoxyphenylbutyric Acid Using Molten Pyridinium Hydrochloride on Multikilogram Scale,” Org. Proc. Res. Dev 8 (4), 670–673 (2004).

14. G.P. Smith et. al. “Broensted Superacidity of Hydrochloric Acid in a Liquid Chloroaluminate: Aluminum Chloride-1-ethyl-3-methyl-1H-imidazolium Chloride (55.O m/o AlCl3), J. Am. Chem. Soc., 111 (2), 525–530 (1989).

15. G.P. Smith et al., “Quantitative Study of the Acidity of Hydrogen Chloride in a Molten Chloroaluminate System (Aluminum Chloride/1-ethyl-3-methyl-1H-imidazolium chloride) as a function of HCl Pressure and Melt composition (51.0–66.4 mol% AlCl3), J. Am. Chem. Soc., 111 (14), 5075–5077 (1989).

16. BASF SE, “Ionic Liquids as Selective Additives for the Separation of Close-Boiling or Azeotropic Mixtures,” World Patent WO/2002 02/074718, Sept. 26, 2002.

17. C. Jork et al., “Influence of Ionic Liquids on the Phase Behavior of Aqueous Azeotropic Systems,” J. Chem. Eng. Data, 49 (4), 852–857 (2004).

18. BASF SE, “Ionic Liquids as Selective Additives for the Separation of Close-Boiling or Azeotropic Mixtures,” World Patent WO/2005/016484, Sept. 26, 2002.

19. BASF SE, “Method for Extracting Impurities Using Ionic Liquids,” World Patent WO/2005/019137, Mar. 3, 2005.

Matthias Maase, PhD, is with new business development for intermediates at BASF in North America.

Global Warming Fix? Carbon Dioxide Captured Directly From Air With Simple Machine

ScienceDaily (Sep. 30, 2008) — University of Calgary climate change scientist David Keith and his team are working to efficiently capture the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide directly from the air, using near-commercial technology.

See also:
Earth & Climate
Air Quality
Environmental Science
Air Pollution
Environmental Issues
Energy and the Environment
Global Warming
Fossil fuel
Automobile emissions control
Carbon dioxide sink
Liquid nitrogen economy
In research conducted at the U of C, Keith and a team of researchers showed it is possible to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) – the main greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming – using a relatively simple machine that can capture the trace amount of CO2 present in the air at any place on the planet.

"At first thought, capturing CO2 from the air where it's at a concentration of 0.04 per cent seems absurd, when we are just starting to do cost-effective capture at power plants where CO2 produced is at a concentration of more than 10 per cent," says Keith, Canada Research Chair in Energy and Environment.

"But the thermodynamics suggests that air capture might only be a bit harder than capturing CO2 from power plants. We are trying to turn that theory into engineering reality."

The research is significant because air capture technology is the only way to capture CO2 emissions from transportation sources such as vehicles and airplanes. These so-called diffuse sources represent more than half of the greenhouse gases emitted on Earth.

"The climate problem is too big to solve easily with the tools we have," notes Keith, director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy's (ISEEE) Energy and Environmental Systems Group and a professor of chemical and petroleum engineering.

"While it's important to get started doing things we know how to do, like wind power nuclear power and 'regular' carbon capture and storage, it's also vital to start thinking about radical new ideas and approaches to solving this problem."

Energy-efficient and cost-effective air capture could play a valuable role in complementing other approaches for reducing emissions from the transportation sector, such as biofuels or electric vehicles, says David Layzell, ISEEE's Executive Director.

"David Keith and his team have developed a number of innovative ways to achieve the efficient capture of atmospheric carbon. That is a major step in advancing air capture as a solution to a very pressing problem," Layzell says.

"David Keith's vision and originality are key factors in our ranking this year as the top engineering school in Canada for sustainability initiatives, both in terms of research and curriculum," says Elizabeth Cannon, Dean of the Schulich School of Engineering. "Leaders like this are not commonplace, and we are proud to get behind this kind of leadership at the Schulich School."

Air capture is different than the carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology which is a key part of the Alberta and federal governments' strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. CCS involves installing equipment at, for example, a coal-fired power plant to capture carbon dioxide produced during burning of the coal, and then pipelining this CO2 for permanent storage underground in a geological reservoir.

Air capture, on the other hand, uses technology that can capture – no matter where the capture system is located – the CO2 that is present in ambient air everywhere.

"A company could, in principle, contract with an oilsands plant near Fort McMurray to remove CO2 from the air and could build its air capture plant wherever it's cheapest – China, for example – and the same amount of CO2 would be removed," Keith says.

Keith and his team showed they could capture CO2 directly from the air with less than 100 kilowatt-hours of electricity per tonne of carbon dioxide. Their custom-built tower was able to capture the equivalent of about 20 tonnes per year of CO2 on a single square metre of scrubbing material – the average amount of emissions that one person produces each year in the North American-wide economy.

"This means that if you used electricity from a coal-fired power plant, for every unit of electricity you used to operate the capture machine, you'd be capturing 10 times as much CO2 as the power plant emitted making that much electricity," Keith says.

The U of C team has devised a new way to apply a chemical process derived from the pulp and paper industry cut the energy cost of air capture in half, and has filed two provisional patents on their end-to-end air capture system.

The technology is still in its early stage, Keith stresses. "It now looks like we could capture CO2 from the air with an energy demand comparable to that needed for CO2 capture from conventional power plants, although costs will certainly be higher and there are many pitfalls along the path to commercialization."

Nevertheless, the relatively simple, reliable and scalable technology that Keith and his team developed opens the door to building a commercial-scale plant.

Richard Branson, head of Virgin Group, has offered a $25-million prize for anyone who can devise a system to remove the equivalent of one billion tonnes of carbon dioxide or more every year from the atmosphere for at least a decade.

Technical details of the air capture technology are available at: http://www.ucalgary.ca/~keith/AirCapture.html

Monday, July 7, 2008





Saturday, June 21, 2008

二泉映月 - Moon Reflected in The Spring 2008-06-06 18:29:23

Listen to the music from a distance

Who was he after dusk

Walked along the street with a Pipa on his back

Whiffs of autumn wind blew his black sleeves up and down

In the dim moonlight

His thin shadow was on the slate path

He tottered in the alley

The winding road lead him to the end of a little bridge

The silence in the surrounding country

Candle lights dimly projected on windows

The player wondered where his appreciator was

One sigh after each turn-round

Only Reed Islet under the moon was in sight

His music prolonged resoundingly in the wood

The heart of the instrument trilled

Like the roaring wind through the pines

Also like the spring water gurgling

The wilt soul of music was roaming about

His living was intolerable to recall

The years pass and signs of human habitation remain

His black hair of youth had changed to grey in the twinkle of the eye
Miserably lonely, no relatives and friends in sight
How to endure the muddy in the wind and rain
But no complains on the glory and dishonour, ups and downs
Only the strings dispelled his grief of parting

Stand by at dawn and dusk

Accompanied him during misery and joy

After the drinking zest, the lingering sound still fluttered

Don't say his lofty aspiration was difficult to realize

Thousand of songs in his heart

All for the mountains and rivers in his hometown

The heaven and earth are far and long-lasting

But only human feelings are the longest

Our prayers go for the beacon-fire to stop all over the world

Joy and peace in each family

No suffering year in and year out

Even he went away like a celestial crane

Added one handful pure earth to the kind-heartedness

Such a feeling continues

There is aroma of orchids at the farthermost

Your music echoes in the running spring

二泉映月 曲:华彦钧(阿炳)词:王建 唱:石莉娟




























天地悠悠, 唯情最长久

共祝愿, 五洲四海烽烟收






您永远是最安全的港湾/You Are Our Safest Harbor Forever (Ver. 2.01)
-- 献给父亲/ -- For My Father

Translation: Star-Night


You are
A river
Year in and year out
Revealing the seasons' vicissitude


You are
A sea
That raises the Sun
And releases the wings of the Sky


You are
A mountain
With your tenacious backbone
Straightening the fragrance of the Earth


When I was a little kid
You were a majestic cliff
Sitting on your shoulders
I could always see scenes far, far away


After growing up
I have realized that you are a stubborn curvy pine
And discovered that
Our weight was such heavy, so heavy


But at present
My father
You are a profound poem
With your children reading you in silence
And shedding tears gently

-- 家人幸福

The wind once cracked stones on mountains
The rain once rusted iron and steel
But they never demolished your sole faith
--The happiness of our family

看清了 , 我看清了

Time passes so quickly
Gone is your strong stature of old days
Now you cannot help trembling in wind or rain
Your footsteps do not always follow your mind
Your eyes are prisoners of your tears
When I arrive at your side
And throwing myself into your arms
I can see clearly your warm and quiet smile
And the face worth our gratitude for the whole life

忘不了,您为儿女求医问药的多方奔走 ……

Never will we forget, the happy time we shared
Never will we forget, the worry on your forehead when we children returning
late at the night
Never will we forget, your carrying me to my school every day on your bike
Never will we forget, your trying every means possible to seek for us medical
help … …


In the spring wind, you did not have the tender care as my mother offered
But under the autumn moon, you concealed your supple affection deep in your
Under your wings, I fluttered to learn to fly
And you accompanied me to brave the world, in wind and rain


Wherever we are, or even after experiencing all winds and frosts
Even when all birds are tired and ready to return to their nests
In the hearts of your children
Forever you are our safest harbor

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


文章来源: 综合新闻 于 2008-05-28 00:10:55

中国已金融战败?石油离300美元每桶很近了!! 综合新闻




2001年中国GDP 11万亿人民币,上升至2007年今天GDP达23万亿元人民币,升幅在2倍。而石油价格从2001年25美元/桶,上升至2007年今天达到近100美元/桶,升幅在4倍。难道是中国需求推升了全球石油价格吗?想必这应该是不合理的说法。因为今天全球每年石油贸易交易300亿桶,中国才占不到1/30。所以如果您从金融霸权、食利者与美元全球化的角度来看这个问题,你会发现许多简单与许多中国人都应该面对的问题。几年前中国官方外汇储备达2000亿美元,石油价格在30美元/桶,中国可以购买近70亿桶石油。现在中国官方外汇储备是世界第一,达到1.4万亿美元,以今天石油价格100美元/桶计算,中国可以购买140亿桶石油。






























那么1980是拉美地区变成美国金融奴隶,1990年前苏联被美国冷战解体,1990年日本被美国升值战打成长期通缩, 1997年东盟面对美国对冲基金是纷纷瘫痪。那么今天如果美国战略目标是让中国陷入石油、粮食与美元危机,那么中国就必然不是什么财富损失的问题,而是最终大量的中国高级技术人才大量被迫移民,而中国私人利益集团与美元买办集团则负责把中国巨额财富转移到美国。美国世界是人财两要,这个是故事会不会是必然的事实。你见过1990年冷战的苏联吗?那么请你看看未来的世界石油、黄金与粮食价格吧,这就叫做金融战争或者是新冷战。
















Sunday, May 25, 2008


中文媒体: Local Access打往中国电话卡1.3¢/分种

文章来源: 凤凰网 于 2008-05-25 00:42:48

中文媒体:美国人的生意经才是全球粮荒罪魁祸首! 凤凰网

(作者: shiwang)























  据《华尔街日报》报道,2001年,美国有59家乙醇工厂;而到了2007年,已达到119家,目前还有另外86家正在建设当中,其中不乏国际知名大企业,BP、杜邦、凯雷资本。而一个叫做Renewable Energy Group的公司专门从事生物燃料的开发,已经占据了40%的市场份额,2007年这家公司入选《财富》杂志15家将改变世界的公司。















  现在,我们已经看到在美元的推手下,世界粮价和油价的剧烈上涨。还要警惕的是,美联储近日宣布再次降息25个基点,美国的本轮降息周期已经结束。随着下半年美国经济的转好,美元升值在未来将成为美国的又一利器,重新给世界经济带来新的搅动。想想柯立芝总统的那句名言:美国的事业就是商业(The business of America is business),美国玉米做乙醇的故事或许是一个最好的政治经济学案例。