Thursday, October 4, 2007

Keywest ---- Hemingway's house (Continued)

Keywest, homtown of Ernest Hemingway (l899~1961),who even won the Nobel literature prize. Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American novelist, short-story writer, and journalist. Nicknaming himself "Papa" while still in his 20s, he was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris known as "the Lost Generation", as described in his memoir A Moveable Feast. He led a turbulent social life, was married four times and allegedly had multiple extra-marital relationships over many years' time. For a serious writer, he achieved a rare cult-like popularity during his lifetime. Hemingway received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. During his later life, Hemingway suffered from increasing physical and mental problems. In July 1961, following an ill-advised premature release from a mental hospital where he'd been treated for severe depression, he committed suicide at his hunting cabin in Ketchum, Idaho by leaning over a double-barrelled shotgun and tripping both triggers.

Hemingway's distinctive writing style is characterized by economy and understatement. It had a significant influence on the development of twentieth-century fiction writing. His protagonists are typically stoic males who must show "grace under pressure." Many of his works are now considered canonical in American literature.

It is amazing that there is a so famous and great people at such a so small island. And did a such great job here. Unfortunately, as i can not find a place to park the car, i just got the chance to take a picture out of his old house.

Key West (Florida trip continued)

Key west, a most southern island. It is so beautiful, quiet, island. But the most exciting thing to Key west is driving the over sea highway. Herecomes some pictures related Keywest.





美国,, 别人的地方,如何我做主。 也许你会说,你不能做主,那是你没有能力做主, 听来也对,,但是真正华人在这里的能做主的又有多少。谈到做主,就涉及到人的欲望了。俗点说,叫欲望,积极点说,叫追求。欲望少了,觉得做主的东西就多了。所以,很多人把呆在美国活得轻松作为留下来的理由。这里轻松的意思是,只要你能找到工作,不管正式的,临时的,每天上班,下班,两耳不闻窗外事,有吃,有喝,有车,也许不一定有房。也不要为孩子的教育担心,只要不太差,上个大学很简单。


虽然有些观点,我不敢苟同,当然,仁者见仁,智者见智,没有孰对孰错,也许我天生比较乐观,个人观点有点不同。 人际关系,那是人与人交往的基本准则,在哪都一样。 资本主义政治学告诉我们,人与人的关系就构成了社会,你不会人与人的关系,不能怪中国,何况这还是资本主义政治学呢,,

贪污,腐败, 据我所知,中国不是贪污,腐败罪严重的国家,你敢说美国没有腐败?







中国,作为一个具有五千年文明的古国,具有自己独特的东西,有些东西,只是和西方的近代文明比起来才显得有的不一样,当然,有些人叫做不健全, 落后。
