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Review the Correct Answers
1. Because children might be playing behind parked vehicles without a driver’s knowledge, you should make a practice of:
honking your horn before driving
checking your mirrors carefully
driving slowly through parking lots
√ walking behind and around your vehicle to check for them www.6park.com
Because children might be playing behind parked vehicles without a driver’s knowledge, you should make a practice of walking behind and around your vehicle to check for them.
2. _______ paint on a curb allows you to stop long enough to load and unload people or objects. Drivers of non-commercial vehicles must stay with their vehicles.
√ Yellow
Blue www.6park.com
Yellow paint on a curb allows you to stop long enough to load and unload people or objects. Drivers of non-commercial vehicles must stay with their vehicles.
3. At an uncontrolled four-way stop, if two or more vehicles arrive at the same time, __________ has the right-of-way.
neither driver
the driver to the left
√ the driver to the right
both drivers www.6park.com
At an uncontrolled four-way stop, if two or more vehicles arrive at the same time, the driver to the right has the right-of-way.
4. Unless otherwise posted, limits are set at ________ for residential zones and business districts.
√ 25 mph
30 mph
35 mph
45 mph www.6park.com
Unless otherwise posted, limits are set at 25 mph for residential zones and business districts. In areas where there are many pedestrians, driveways, and intersections, the speed limit must be lowered to ensure safety.
5. You are NOT allowed to make U-turns:
on two-way streets
from left turn lanes
√ in front of fire stations
unless a sign permits it www.6park.com
You are not allowed to make U-turns in front of fire stations.
6. You may drive to the left of a yellow line when:
overtaking a vehicle that is parked or going slower than your vehicle
turning left at an intersection or into a driveway or side road
the right side of the road is closed or obstructed
√ all of the above www.6park.com
You may drive to the left of a yellow line when overtaking a vehicle that is parked or going slower than your vehicle; turning left at an intersection or into a driveway or side road; or when the right side of the road is closed or obstructed. You may also drive to the left of a yellow line when carpool lanes direct you to do so (but then always enter and exit at designated spots).
7. _________ occurs when a thin film of water builds up between the tires and pavement and makes steering and braking practically impossible.
Highway hypnosis
√ Hydroplaning
Skidding www.6park.com
Hydroplaning occurs when a thin film of water builds up between the tires and pavement and makes steering and braking practically impossible.
8. When someone tries to pass you, both the law and safety require you to:
pull over
maintain your speed and lane position
√ allow him or her to pass
accelerate www.6park.com
When someone tries to pass you, both the law and safety require you to allow him or her to pass. The law is clear about this, and it is also the safe thing to do.
9. _________ refers to speeding without realizing it.
Highway hypnosis
√ Velocitation
Road rage
Inertia www.6park.com
Velocitation refers to speeding without realizing it. It is easy to do as you mirror the pace of vehicles in the fast lane, and you may not notice your speed creeping up.
10. Driving with an expired license, unsafe lane changes, and failing to stop at a stop sign are given __________.
√ one point
two points
three points
four points www.6park.com
Driving with an expired license, unsafe lane changes, and failing to stop at a stop sign are given one point.
11. Statistically, the everyday motor vehicle is the number ___ cause of death among people ages 15-30 in the United States.
√ 1
5 www.6park.com
Statistically, the everyday motor vehicle is the number 1 cause of death among people ages 15-30 in the United States: more deaths occur as a result of unsafe driving than from any other cause.
12. ____________ are the most frequent victims of collisions between vehicles and pedestrians.
The handicapped
√ The elderly www.6park.com
The elderly are the most frequent victims of collisions between vehicles and pedestrians, with 38% of their deaths occurring at intersections. That’s often because their ability to see and hear, and to react and move swiftly has deteriorated.
13. Liability insurance protects you against:
claims from an uninsured motorist
claims if you are not at fault in a collision
√ claims if you are at fault in a collision.
all of the above www.6park.com
Liability insurance protects you against claims if you are at fault in a collision.
14. The majority of pedestrian fatalities occur:
at intersections
in cross-walks
√ when a pedestrian suddenly runs across the path of a vehicle
in parking lots www.6park.com
The majority of pedestrian fatalities occur when a pedestrian suddenly runs across the path of a vehicle, because motorists do not expect to have to stop at these locations.
15. ______________ is an extra lane that permits a vehicle to reach freeway speeds.
√ An acceleration lane
A shoulder
A carpool lane
A passing lane www.6park.com
An acceleration lane is an extra lane that permits a vehicle to reach freeway speeds.
16. _______ paint on a curb means no stopping, standing, parking, loading, or unloading.
√ Red www.6park.com
Red paint on a curb means no stopping, standing, parking, loading, or unloading. The one exception is that a bus may stop at a red zone marked for buses.
17. _______ of all wrecks occur within 25 miles of home.
√ Half
Three-quarters www.6park.com
Half of all wrecks occur within 25 miles of home. That is why it is important to wear your safety belt at all times, even if you are not going far.
18. After completing your pass, you should return to your lane:
√ when you can see both headlights of the vehicle you just passed in your rearview mirror
as soon as possible
when you are one car-length ahead of the vehicle you just passed
when you see oncoming vehicles approaching www.6park.com
After completing your pass, you should return to your lane when you can see both headlights of the vehicle you just passed in your rearview mirror.
19. To prove your identity at the Department of Motor Vehicles, you may take:
your tax returns
√ your birth certificate
a telephone bill
your social security card www.6park.com
To prove your identity at the Department of Motor Vehicles, you may take your birth certificate.
20. The Basic Speed Law:
establishes a 55 mph speed limit.
provides the minimum speed limits for vehicles.
allows drivers to drive at any speed they reasonably believe to be safe under the circumstances.
√ requires that drivers reduce their speed if driving conditions make it unsafe to follow posted speed limits. www.6park.com
The Basic Speed Law requires that drivers reduce their speed if driving conditions make it unsafe to follow posted speed limits.
21. A Class ____ license allows you to ride any motor bike.
√ M1
2 www.6park.com
A Class M1 license allows you to ride any motor bike.
22. All new residents of California must have a valid California driver license within:
5 working days
1 week
√ 10 days
30 days www.6park.com
When you make your home in California or take a job here, you must get a California driver license within 10 days.
23. A _____ limit applies when traveling near school zones where children are outside or crossing the street.
10 mph
20 mph
√ 25 mph
35 mph www.6park.com
A 25 mph limit applies when traveling near school zones where children are outside or crossing the street. As they are less predictable, slow down and give children wider space to maneuver. If there is not a safe way to steer clear of the children, stop and allow them to pass.
24. When backing up, keep your foot __________ while you shift your vehicle into reverse gear.
√ on the brake
on the accelerator
on the floorboard
none of the above www.6park.com
When backing up, keep your foot on the brake while you shift your vehicle into reverse gear.
25. When you come upon a stopped school bus with flashing red lights, you must stop. If you fail to do so, you may be fined up to:
√ $1,000
$450 www.6park.com
Remain stopped as long as the red lights on a school bus are flashing. Failure to do so may result in a fine of up to $1,000 and your driving privilege could be suspended for a period of one year.
26. If your vehicle stalls in the middle of the roadway, you should:
turn on your headlights
√ move off the roadway as quickly as possible
immediately call for help
try to get someone to assist you www.6park.com
If your vehicle stalls in the middle of the roadway, you should move off roadway as quickly as possible.
27. Diamond lanes are reserved for vehicles with:
the elderly
√ two or more people
four or more people www.6park.com
Diamond lanes are reserved for vehicles with two or more people. Vehicles in these lanes are exempt at certain on-ramps from stopping at timed entrance lights.
28. Ice tends to form in shady areas, as well as:
on freeways
on the shoulder of the road
on railroad crossings
√ on bridges and overpasses www.6park.com
Ice tends to form in shady areas, as well as on bridges and overpasses, which, being more exposed to the cold air, tend to freeze before other road areas. Approach these areas with caution.
29. _________ indicate the center of a two-way road used for two-way traffic.
White lines
Orange cones
√ Yellow lines www.6park.com
Yellow lines indicate the center of a two-way road used for two-way traffic.
30. On a three-lane highway that designates one lane of traffic for each direction, the middle lane is used for:
emergency vehicles
regular through traffic
√ vehicles making left turns or passing www.6park.com
On a three-lane highway that designates one lane of traffic for each direction, the middle lane is used for vehicles making left turns or passing. Unless specified, the middle lane is not used for regular through traffic.
31. Do not reverse around a corner when your visibility is limited or blocked:
at night
√ unless you have someone else directing you
if pedestrians are present www.6park.com
Do not reverse around a corner when your visibility is limited or blocked unless you have someone else directing you.
32. If one of your front tires blows out, the first thing you should do is:
engage your emergency brake
√ hold the steering wheel firmly on a straight course
steer your vehicle off the roadway
shift to a lower gear www.6park.com
If one of your front tires blows out, the first thing you should do is hold the steering wheel firmly on a straight course.
33. It is legal to carry an open (unsealed) container of alcohol in your vehicle if:
it is in the back seat
it is in the glove compartment
√ it is in the trunk
all of the above www.6park.com
The container must be full, sealed, and unopened if it is in the front seat. Otherwise, it must be put in the trunk or a place where passengers don’t sit. Keeping an opened container of an alcoholic drink in the glove compartment is specifically against the law.
34. At intersections without marked crosswalks, who has the right-of-way?
the vehicle on the right
the vehicle that arrives first
√ pedestrians www.6park.com
At intersections without marked crosswalks, pedestrians have the right-of-way.
35. When the road gets rough with potholes, bumps, mud clumps, and loose sand or gravel, you should __________ to retain control of your vehicle.
√ slow down
pull over
shift to a lower gear
ride your brakes www.6park.com
When the road gets rough with potholes, bumps, mud clumps, and loose sand or gravel, you should slow down to retain control of your vehicle.
36. If your vehicle begins to overheat while climbing a hill, you should:
turn on the air conditioning
shift to a lower gear
√ turn on the heater
accelerate www.6park.com
If your vehicle begins to overheat while climbing a hill, you should turn on the heater.
37. In which of the following situations should you refrain from passing another vehicle?
the driver is slowing down and/or indicating a right turn
the driver is looking at street signs
the driver is traveling at or close to the speed limit
√ all of the above www.6park.com
You should refrain from passing another driver when the driver is slowing down or indicating a right turn, the driver is looking at street signs, or the driver is traveling at or close to the speed limit.
38. The high accident rate of large trucks is caused in large part by ________.
√ fatigue
weather conditions
equipment malfunctions www.6park.com
The high accident rate of large trucks is caused in large part by fatigue.
39. When you see animals on the road, you should:
honk your horn
flash your headlights
√ slow down and be prepared to stop
accelerate www.6park.com
When you see animals on the road, you should slow down and be prepared to stop. Give them space?they can be unpredictable.
40. Large trucks take _________ to stop than other vehicles traveling at the same speed.
√ a longer time
a shorter time
the same amount of time
very little time www.6park.com
Large trucks take a longer time to stop than other vehicles traveling at the same speed. The average passenger vehicle traveling at 55 mph takes about 230 feet to stop. However, a large truck traveling at the same speed can take more than 400 feet to stop.
41. The Administrative Per Se Law means:
√ the DMV has the power to suspend or revoke your license based on the results of alcohol or drug tests taken or your refusal to take such tests.
the DMV has the power to confiscate your vehicle based on the results of alcohol or drug tests taken or your refusal to take such tests
you have the right to speak to an attorney before submitting to an alcohol or drug test
you can be arrested and put in jail based on the results of alcohol or drug tests taken or your refusal to take such tests. www.6park.com
The Administrative Per Se Law means the DMV has the power to suspend or revoke your license based on the results of alcohol or drug tests taken or your refusal to take such tests.
42. A truck takes ________ to accelerate and brake than does a car.
less time
the same amount of time
√ more time
almost as much time www.6park.com
A truck takes more time to accelerate and brake than does a car.
43. Headlights should be switched on by law no later than:
6:00 p.m.
√ 30 minutes after sunset www.6park.com
Headlights should be switched on by law no later than 30 minutes after sunset. Dusk light provides general illumination, but important details can be lost unless you switch your lights on in time.
44. If you have a green light, it is __________ to enter an intersection if your way through it is blocked.
your right
to your advantage
√ against the law www.6park.com
Even if you have a green light, it is against the law to enter an intersection if your way through it is blocked, because this prevents vehicles in the cross street from proceeding when the lights change.
45. Placing your foot over the brake so that you can brake in less time is called ________ the brake.
√ covering
tapping www.6park.com
Placing your foot over the brake so that you can brake in less time is called covering the brake.
46. Implied consent means that drivers agree in advance to take a blood alcohol concentration test:
only if ordered by a judge
only on the advice of an attorney
if an accident has occurred
√ whenever they drive in California www.6park.com
Implied consent means that drivers agree in advance to take a blood alcohol concentration test whenever they drive in California.
47. Which of the following is an unsafe area to drive?
in another vehicle's blind spot
side-by-side another vehicle
in clusters of vehicles
√ all of the above www.6park.com
It is unsafe to drive in another vehicle’s blind spot, side-by-side another vehicle, or in clusters of vehicles.
48. Two-lane, undivided highways have a speed limit of ______.
35 mph
45 mph
√ 55 mph
65 mph www.6park.com
Two-lane, undivided highways have a speed limit of 55 mph.
49. Which of the following is a permitted use of your horn?
√ you reasonably believe safety would be compromised without sounding the horn
you need to inform another driver that the traffic light has changed
you see a friend driving by
another driver is impeding your path of travel www.6park.com
Any driver who reasonably believes safety would be compromised without sounding his or her horn should do so. No other use of the horn is permitted.
50. California law requires those under ___________ to wear a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet while operating a bicycle or riding on one as a passenger.
12 years of age
16 years of age
√ 18 years of age
21 years of age www.6park.com
California law requires those under 18 years of age to wear a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet while operating a bicycle or riding on one as a passenger