美科学家宣称盐水在无线电作用下可燃烧http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月12日 08:27 新浪科技 新浪科技讯 北京时间9月12日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国的科学家日前表示,他们发现普通盐水在无线电波的照射下可以燃烧,这很可能是21世纪人类最伟大的发现之一,未来将有望解决人类的能源危机。 这个发现是约翰-坎祖斯在研制癌症治疗法的时候偶然发现的,当时他在尝试用一个射频发生器给海水脱盐,结果发现处于无线电频率下的盐水会燃烧。这一发现令科学家们为之兴奋,如此一来,科学家们将可以利用地球上最富足的资源--海水来作为燃料。 美宾夕法尼亚州的化学家罗斯坦姆-罗伊在实验室中证实了他的观测,他表示,无线电频率可以降低盐水中所含元素之间的结合力,释放出氢,一旦点火,氢气就会在这种频率下持续燃烧。 罗斯坦姆-罗伊说:“这个发现绝对是‘100年来最神奇的水科学’。世界上最丰富的资源就是海水,它无处不在。看着盐水燃烧不禁让我有些寒意。”本周,罗伊将会见美国能源部和国防部官员,以争取获得一些科研资助。 科学家们目前希望了解氢燃烧所释放的能量——燃烧时温度高达3000多华氏度——可以为一辆汽车或者其它重型机械提供足够的能量。罗伊说:“我们将集思广议,看看研究的结果到底如何。可以肯定,它的发展潜力将会是巨大的。”(刘妍)
It is a true story? I am looking forward to see this unbelievable breakthrough.
What is the fuel 100 years later? Things mabye coming into your mind are methanol? hydrogen? ethanol? solar energy? Nuclear engergy?........
yeh, Hydrogen is a wanderful candidate for fuel. This is the exact story in this news. As the most stop for the development of hydrogen is how to generate hydrogen from water. as the traditional process is a energy kill itself. If this stroy is true, we do not worry about the fuel in the fuel anymore, the energy- stock should down fast tomorrow.
Ethanol, now should be say bioethanol, as there are so much ethanol produced from biotechnology process from starch, lignocellulosic materials, cellulose recently. The research field is so hot now. in my opinions, this technology is a bimass killer, and bio-species killer. Human being still need animal friends here and also plant friends here. In addition, anybody can use ethanol as a fuel for fuel cell??????
Methanol, can be synthsized from natural gas. so it is not a sustainable energy candidate. but it is still interesting as it can be a fuel for fuel cell.
Solar energy, of course, it is the biggest gift to us from natural. The efficient and economic usage of this still need a breakthrough into the material science. How to convert the light energy to electric energy effectively.
Nuclear energy, it is good, and it is also not good. who know that? let us see,,maybe let our childred see. what is the hell of this.
In fact, i hope this story was true.
It is a true story? I am looking forward to see this unbelievable breakthrough.
What is the fuel 100 years later? Things mabye coming into your mind are methanol? hydrogen? ethanol? solar energy? Nuclear engergy?........
yeh, Hydrogen is a wanderful candidate for fuel. This is the exact story in this news. As the most stop for the development of hydrogen is how to generate hydrogen from water. as the traditional process is a energy kill itself. If this stroy is true, we do not worry about the fuel in the fuel anymore, the energy- stock should down fast tomorrow.
Ethanol, now should be say bioethanol, as there are so much ethanol produced from biotechnology process from starch, lignocellulosic materials, cellulose recently. The research field is so hot now. in my opinions, this technology is a bimass killer, and bio-species killer. Human being still need animal friends here and also plant friends here. In addition, anybody can use ethanol as a fuel for fuel cell??????
Methanol, can be synthsized from natural gas. so it is not a sustainable energy candidate. but it is still interesting as it can be a fuel for fuel cell.
Solar energy, of course, it is the biggest gift to us from natural. The efficient and economic usage of this still need a breakthrough into the material science. How to convert the light energy to electric energy effectively.
Nuclear energy, it is good, and it is also not good. who know that? let us see,,maybe let our childred see. what is the hell of this.
In fact, i hope this story was true.
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