The old city of Bern was placed on the UNESCO Wordheritage list in 1983. The registration of a cultural site on the list of the UNESCO worldheritages is evidence of its outstanding universal value so as to ensure its protection for mankind.
Atmospherically encircled by the Aare River and, on clar days, set against an overwhelming Alpine panorama,Bern owes its charm to an intact mediaeval cityscape with surprisingly broad streets, more than 6km of arcades, colurful sculptured Renaissance fountains, largely unimpaired sandstone facades, a unique rooftop landscape and a variety of outstanding museums.
Bern 老城区,很小哦,不过巧夺天工, 三面被Aare River 环绕。像一个小半岛。 地方虽小, 名气可不小。那一排排中世纪的建筑, 两座遥相呼应的钟楼,远远的你就能听到优雅的钟声, 建筑里那六公里多长的拱形通道, 在欣赏令琅满目的时装, 钟表等时, 让你觉得有一种无形的温暖和安全感。
楼与楼之间, 当然是街道, 但是还是保持着一份古老的气息, 都是以那种很小的石块来铺垫。一段距离后,就是一个带喷泉的小雕塑, 其实也不能算喷泉,因为,其实就是很小很小的水在雕塑下流出。
这一切, 就组成了一份世界文化遗产。
其中的滋味当然, 只有自己走在这长廊里,和着悠悠的钟声, 慢慢的品味其中的生活才能真正懂得这一切。 照片太多, 我就随便捡几张具有代表性的, 我就不一一介绍了。
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
瑞士之行: 第一站, BASEL
迷迷糊糊的一觉醒来, 应该快到了,感觉喉咙火烫, 知道不该一大清早就馋那蛋炒饭。 忽然, 救星来了。
"Yes, Do you have water?
"Yes, gas or non gas"
"with gas or without gas"
诶, 这啥玩意啊, 其实还是没懂,直接with gas。
”Two thirty"
Faint. 心里那个后悔,这还收钱的啊,哈哈,,第一次坐飞机喝点水要收钱。
回来,自然会被老婆笑话一顿。不过没事啦,吃一瓶, 涨一智吗。
感觉就像当时到Dublin 一样。建筑有点老,没有中国和美国城市里那样的现代气息。
更烦人的是, 没有英语路牌。
还好, 老婆在, 懂点, 呵呵,,
直接买票, 先巴士, 到MAIN BBS,其实就是主火车站。 然后一个小时火车到BERN。
其实欧洲和美国一样。都是占了人少的便宜。座位多, 人少, 一般,一个人占两个位置。
诶, 想想在中国坐火车的日子。那汗啊, 是一滴,一滴的。
看着窗外倒退的房子, 花花草草,,其实这时候哪来那么多花花草草啊,凑个词吧, 哈哈。
和老婆谈论着欧洲, 美国, 中国的不同。
其实, 我个人感觉,中国现代文明的发展, 看来更多的得益于欧洲。相似的地方远远多于美国。和美国, 相似的就只有那一栋栋高楼。
还有点, 心里觉得很奇怪, 这欧洲, 为啥,冬天就很少能见到太阳。爱尔兰这样, 咋瑞士也是这样哦,到处灰茫茫的, 也许, 这也在一定程度上降低了他的美感。对于我这个喜欢艳阳高照的人来说。
不过, 一点还是很让我兴奋, 那就是那一排排树上,一层似霜似雪的东西。小时候写作文, 经常用銀妆这个词。现在回想起来真好玩, 一些下雪, 就是银装,棉被。不过,确实啊, 也就那感受了。
不过很可惜, 几次都有拿出相机来要拍下来的冲动, 但是,老婆劝我, 算了, 隔着玻璃, 估计也没啥好效果,以后看照片啊, 肯定会有点破坏了在心目中的美好形象的。
一边随便的聊着, 看着车窗外裹着雪衣的,向后奔跑的美景。Bern已经在眼前了。
"Yes, Do you have water?
"Yes, gas or non gas"
"with gas or without gas"
诶, 这啥玩意啊, 其实还是没懂,直接with gas。
”Two thirty"
Faint. 心里那个后悔,这还收钱的啊,哈哈,,第一次坐飞机喝点水要收钱。
回来,自然会被老婆笑话一顿。不过没事啦,吃一瓶, 涨一智吗。
感觉就像当时到Dublin 一样。建筑有点老,没有中国和美国城市里那样的现代气息。
更烦人的是, 没有英语路牌。
还好, 老婆在, 懂点, 呵呵,,
直接买票, 先巴士, 到MAIN BBS,其实就是主火车站。 然后一个小时火车到BERN。
其实欧洲和美国一样。都是占了人少的便宜。座位多, 人少, 一般,一个人占两个位置。
诶, 想想在中国坐火车的日子。那汗啊, 是一滴,一滴的。
看着窗外倒退的房子, 花花草草,,其实这时候哪来那么多花花草草啊,凑个词吧, 哈哈。
和老婆谈论着欧洲, 美国, 中国的不同。
其实, 我个人感觉,中国现代文明的发展, 看来更多的得益于欧洲。相似的地方远远多于美国。和美国, 相似的就只有那一栋栋高楼。
还有点, 心里觉得很奇怪, 这欧洲, 为啥,冬天就很少能见到太阳。爱尔兰这样, 咋瑞士也是这样哦,到处灰茫茫的, 也许, 这也在一定程度上降低了他的美感。对于我这个喜欢艳阳高照的人来说。
不过, 一点还是很让我兴奋, 那就是那一排排树上,一层似霜似雪的东西。小时候写作文, 经常用銀妆这个词。现在回想起来真好玩, 一些下雪, 就是银装,棉被。不过,确实啊, 也就那感受了。
不过很可惜, 几次都有拿出相机来要拍下来的冲动, 但是,老婆劝我, 算了, 隔着玻璃, 估计也没啥好效果,以后看照片啊, 肯定会有点破坏了在心目中的美好形象的。
一边随便的聊着, 看着车窗外裹着雪衣的,向后奔跑的美景。Bern已经在眼前了。
七点十五的飞机, 在老婆的催促下, 四点钟就打车去机场了。虽然航空公司email 了好几次, 圣诞是机场繁忙时间, 其实, 凌晨五点的机场, 也没几个人,可以想象, 平时,这时候的机场是何等的冷清。
直接跑去Check in,好面熟和吃惊,竟然是个中国小伙子, 看我护照后, 直接和我用中文聊了起来,看他使劲翻我的护照, 心想, 这干嘛啊, 哥们。最后才明白原来在找我去瑞士的签证。诶,,心想, 都在爱尔兰混到工作了, 瑞士乃中立国家, 只要具有有效的爱尔兰签证是可以自由出入瑞士的,这么多年白混了。 告诉他之后, 一脸的吃惊之色说。“要是这样啊, 我也该去瑞士逛逛”。
原来一上来就认定我没有有效签证, 不能去!
我靠, 还想中国同胞,今天算是碰上了, 该顺利点吧。谁知这哥哥,一开始就认为需要有效的瑞士签证。
十分钟后, 回来了, 当面就是“真不好意思, 瑞士移民局不让你过去, 我们今天值班的经理是个变态, 我也没有办法”。
“现在政策, 一天一变,我也没有办法”
我靠, 这种政策怎么能一天一变呢, 有点常识没有啊, 没有缓冲期的啊,,忍住,,不能发作。
还好, 马上,这哥们给我支了一招, 真不该感谢他呢, 还是,,,
“你跑去前台ticket sale 哪里问问,......"
诶, 我还有什么办法。排队, 直接奔上去。很明显心理有点着急了。
开始聊了点check in的事情, 然后, 直奔主题, 表达了我的疑问。
不过啊, 那位爱尔兰小姐很nice。拿了我的材料跑里头去了。五分钟后回来。 说不能让我过去。
诶, 把我的立场重申一遍。
小姐说, 那边接电话的,只懂法语和德语。要我半小时后再过来,等会说英语的人或等法语的人上班后, 他们帮我再问问。
我心里就有低了, 肯定是沟通上出现了问题。听不懂,当然直接说NO啦。
心里总是冒出点希望之花,,诶, 真是多灾多难啊,,也许,真应了那句好事多磨吧。希望如此啦。
一切都和预想中的一样。一切OK,直接登上了去瑞士的飞机。飞机不大, 但是座位都坐满了。坐我边上的是位很年轻的女孩, 点头微笑后, 我坐下, 看了一下电话, 无数个未接来电, 知道老婆一定着急了。要我黄了, 她还不把我给吃了。哈哈,
赶紧拨通, 报告一切顺利。此时此刻啊, 老婆那心里那个滋味啊, 只有我能体会啦, 嘻嘻,,
很困了, 坐下, 美女也沒遐顾及了。睡!
直接跑去Check in,好面熟和吃惊,竟然是个中国小伙子, 看我护照后, 直接和我用中文聊了起来,看他使劲翻我的护照, 心想, 这干嘛啊, 哥们。最后才明白原来在找我去瑞士的签证。诶,,心想, 都在爱尔兰混到工作了, 瑞士乃中立国家, 只要具有有效的爱尔兰签证是可以自由出入瑞士的,这么多年白混了。 告诉他之后, 一脸的吃惊之色说。“要是这样啊, 我也该去瑞士逛逛”。
原来一上来就认定我没有有效签证, 不能去!
我靠, 还想中国同胞,今天算是碰上了, 该顺利点吧。谁知这哥哥,一开始就认为需要有效的瑞士签证。
十分钟后, 回来了, 当面就是“真不好意思, 瑞士移民局不让你过去, 我们今天值班的经理是个变态, 我也没有办法”。
“现在政策, 一天一变,我也没有办法”
我靠, 这种政策怎么能一天一变呢, 有点常识没有啊, 没有缓冲期的啊,,忍住,,不能发作。
还好, 马上,这哥们给我支了一招, 真不该感谢他呢, 还是,,,
“你跑去前台ticket sale 哪里问问,......"
诶, 我还有什么办法。排队, 直接奔上去。很明显心理有点着急了。
开始聊了点check in的事情, 然后, 直奔主题, 表达了我的疑问。
不过啊, 那位爱尔兰小姐很nice。拿了我的材料跑里头去了。五分钟后回来。 说不能让我过去。
诶, 把我的立场重申一遍。
小姐说, 那边接电话的,只懂法语和德语。要我半小时后再过来,等会说英语的人或等法语的人上班后, 他们帮我再问问。
我心里就有低了, 肯定是沟通上出现了问题。听不懂,当然直接说NO啦。
心里总是冒出点希望之花,,诶, 真是多灾多难啊,,也许,真应了那句好事多磨吧。希望如此啦。
一切都和预想中的一样。一切OK,直接登上了去瑞士的飞机。飞机不大, 但是座位都坐满了。坐我边上的是位很年轻的女孩, 点头微笑后, 我坐下, 看了一下电话, 无数个未接来电, 知道老婆一定着急了。要我黄了, 她还不把我给吃了。哈哈,
赶紧拨通, 报告一切顺利。此时此刻啊, 老婆那心里那个滋味啊, 只有我能体会啦, 嘻嘻,,
很困了, 坐下, 美女也沒遐顾及了。睡!
Young Men's Christian Association
提起YMCA,估计80年代以后出生的朋友们大多不甚了了;而对于生于70年代或者更早一些的朋友来说,印象最深的大概莫过于那首存在众多不同语言翻唱版的Y-M-C-A以及那双手高高举过头顶(Y)、双手弯曲置于双肩(M)、双手向右(C)、双手面前交叉(A)的标志性集体舞蹈动作。当年这首歌曲在 DISCO的流行程度至今让人难以忘怀,全场上下整齐一致的动作,将氛围急速推升至最HIGH点 ~~~
所谓YMCA,其实是Young Men's Christian Association 的英文简写,中文名“基督教青年会”;它是一个遍布全世界的基督教青年组织,发源于英国伦敦,是由一位英国基督徒青年侨治威廉(George Williams)于公元1844年所立的。
YMCA是Village People最著名也是最经典的歌曲。
young man, there' no need to feel down.
i said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
i said, young man,'cause you're in a new town
there's no need to be unhappy.
young man, there's a place you can go.
i said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
you can stay there, and i'm sure you will find
many ways to have a good time.
it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
they have everything for you men to enjoy,
you can hang out with all the boys ...
it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
you can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal,
you can do whatever you feel ...
young man, are you listening to me?
i said, young man, what do you want to be?
i said, young man, you can make real your dreams.
but you got to know this one thing!
no man does it all by himself.
i said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
and just go there, to the Y-M-C-A.
i'm sure they can help you today.
it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
they have everything for you men to enjoy,
you can hang out with all the boys ...
it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
you can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal,
you can do whatever you feel ...
young man, i was once in your shoes.
i said, i was down and out with the blues.
i felt no man cared if i were alive.
i felt the whole world was so tight ...
that's when someone came up to me,
and said, young man, take a walk up the street.
there's a place there called the Y-M-C-A.
they can start you back on your way.
it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
they have everything for you men to enjoy,
you can hang out with all the boys ...
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Costs Of Biofuels
C&EN,December 17, 2007 Volume 85, Number 51 pp. 12-16
The Costs Of Biofuels
Two views on whether corn ethanol and, eventually, ethanol from cellulosic
biomass will efficiently deliver national energy security
William Schulz
THE DRUMBEAT in favor of biofuels has only increased since President George
W. Bush's 2007 State of the Union address calling for a 20% cut in gasoline
use, much of it to be replaced with alternative fuels such as biofuels.
Indeed, industry has begun investing in biofuels and biofuels R&D as never
before. Consumers, too, are eager for anything that might trim the cost of a
gallon of gasoline.
Kurt Stepnitz/MSU Communications (Dale)
Robert Barker/University Photography (Pimentel)
Debates Dale (left), a chemical engineering professor at Michigan State
University, contends that well-chosen metrics need to be used in order to
evaluate the true costs and benefits of biofuels; Pimentel, an entomologist
and professor of agricultural sciences at Cornell University, argues that
biofuels are costly from both economic and environmental perspectives and
also raise significant ethical concerns.
But the criticisms and questions that dog the use of biofuels remain
formidable. Can the U.S. really afford to devote its entire corn crop to the
production of ethanol, as might be required under some of the targets set
by President Bush? What will happen to the price of corn, and what impact
will this have in terms of feeding those who are hungry in this world? What
are the true energy costs of biofuels, and can their use mitigate global
climate change, as is widely anticipated?
As part of its ongoing coverage of the biofuels story, C&EN has asked two
prominent biofuels experts to square off in opposition to or in support of
biofuels. David Pimentel, an entomologist and professor of agricultural
sciences at Cornell University, has raised objections to biofuels since the
early 1970s. A recognized authority on the subject, he believes biofuels'
costs far outweigh their potential benefits.
Taking the opposite view is Bruce E. Dale, a professor of chemical
engineering and materials science and associate director of the Office of
Biobased Technologies at Michigan State University. He also serves as editor
-in-chief of Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefineries, a new Wiley journal.
Dale argues that a fair analysis of biofuels reveals their value as a
replacement for fossil fuels. He believes they should be an important
contributor to energy security in the U.S. and one answer for reducing CO2
inputs into the atmosphere.
Dale Point
As with other products, biofuels should be compared with their alternatives
according to well-chosen metrics. It is no more rational to support or
oppose biofuels without relevant performance standards than it is to support
or oppose ballpoint pens without appropriate criteria. Therefore, what are
the appropriate comparison standards for biofuels?
Two issues are pivotal for all petroleum alternatives: national security by
significantly reducing petroleum dependence and climate security by
significantly reducing greenhouse gases. Biofuels should substantially
reduce petroleum used and greenhouse gases generated compared with their
petroleum-derived alternatives. Ideal biofuel metrics are petroleum consumed
and greenhouse gases generated per mile traveled. Unfortunately, this
calculation requires detailed vehicle performance information that is likely
unavailable. Reasonable substitute metrics are biofuel energy produced per
unit of petroleum consumed over the biofuel life cycle and biofuel energy
produced per unit of greenhouse gases generated. Ethanol replaces gasoline
in internal combustion engines. Thus, the ethanol-to-gasoline comparison is
relevant. The data of Farrell et al. summarized in the table allow us to
compare ethanol and gasoline (Science 2006, 311, 506).
Generating 1 MJ of gasoline requires 1.1 MJ of petroleum, while only 0.04 MJ
of petroleum is required to generate 1 MJ of ethanol from corn ("ethanol
today" scenario). The reduction in petroleum required per megajoule of fuel
to the consumer is therefore 0.04 minus 1.1 divided by 1.1 multiplied by 100
equals 96%. Corn ethanol allows us to improve vehicle mileage per unit of
petroleum consumed by a factor of 1.1 minus 0.04 divided by 0.04 equals 26.5
. Effectively, ethanol achieves almost 800 miles per gallon of oil (26.5
times 30, for a vehicle getting 30 mpg). We have no other "drop in" gasoline
alternative that so greatly increases miles per unit of oil consumed.
Greenhouse gas reduction is also significant. For the "ethanol today"
scenario, the greenhouse gas reduction compared with gasoline is 18%—77
minus 94 (kilograms of CO2 equivalent per megajoule of fuel) divided by 94
times 100. For the "cellulosic ethanol" scenario, the corresponding values
are 93% reduction in petroleum use and a very large 88% reduction in
greenhouse gases. Ethanol therefore achieves real improvements in both
petroleum consumption and greenhouse gases generated compared with gasoline.
Relevant, rigorous data sets that allow comparison of other biofuels with
petroleum-derived fuels are currently unavailable.
Corn ethanol production technology is still improving, and its fossil-fuel
use is declining. For example, new enzymes have recently been introduced
that significantly reduce energy consumption in corn ethanol facilities.
Likewise, cellulosic ethanol production technology is improving rapidly. In
contrast, petroleum discovery, production, and processing are becoming more
energy intensive as the quality of petroleum declines (more viscous, higher
sulfur crude oil) and as petroleum is produced in more remote locations (for
example, deepwater Gulf of Mexico) and under harsher climatic conditions.
Simply stated, the future trends for petroleum are negative while the trends
for ethanol are positive.
Irrelevant and misleading metrics such as the "net energy" metric advanced
by Dr. Pimentel to criticize ethanol do not promote good strategic decision-
making. Net energy is defined as the fuel's heating value minus the sum of
all fossil energy inputs—coal, natural gas, and petroleum—required to
produce the fuel. Net energy is irrelevant because it lumps all fossil
energy carriers together and considers a megajoule of coal as equivalent to
a megajoule of petroleum or natural gas. This is obviously wrong; otherwise,
we would not pay more than five times as much for a megajoule of petroleum
as we do for a megajoule of coal. Coal's energy content is simply not as
valuable or as versatile as oil's. All megajoules are not created equal.
Net energy analysis is misleading because ethanol's net energy was never
compared with gasoline's net energy. The comparison is easily done. From the
table above, ethanol's net energy is 1.0 minus the sum of (0.04 + 0.28 + 0.
41) times 100, which equals +27%, while gasoline's net energy is 1.0 minus
the sum of (1.1 + 0.03 + 0.05) times 100, which equals -18%. Gasoline's net
energy is therefore significantly lower than ethanol's. We would have been
saved much confusion and trouble if Dr. Pimentel and his coworkers had
compared ethanol's net energy with the net energy of gasoline, but they
never did so. Comparisons between our realistic alternatives are essential
for good decision-making.
Other metrics are also relevant. For example, the scale of production and
cost of biofuels are important criteria. Ethanol from grain and sugar crops
will probably never exceed 10% of total U.S. motor fuel needs, a modest but
important fraction. As to cost, Brazil now produces ethanol from sugarcane
for less than the energy equivalent cost of gasoline. Cellulosic ethanol
could eventually supply hundreds of billions of gallons of liquid fuel at
production costs well under $1.50 per gal of gasoline equivalent. Does any
reasonable individual think that gas prices are headed down over the long
Some possible metrics for biofuels require more thought. For example,
available land, potential environmental degradation, and competition with
food production are believed to be major limitations for biofuels. Careful
systems-level thinking creatively resolves these and other issues,
especially for cellulosic biofuels.
Pimentel Point
For millions of years, green plants contributed to the formation of our oil
, natural gas, and coal. By 1850, when wood accounted for 91% of U.S. energy
consumption and the U.S. population was less than 10% of the current 301
million people, serious wood shortages already existed. Now, with only about
4.5% of the world population, the U.S. is the largest per capita fossil
energy consumer of any country in the world. Because 90% of U.S. oil has
been mined, the U.S. now imports more than 63% of its oil at a cost of $200
billion per year.
Faced with a diminishing supply of oil, converting grain or other biomass
into ethanol fuel as a substitute has become popular. Using corn or any
other biomass requires large land areas of fertile soil, large quantities of
water, and sunlight for green plant production. Green plants in the U.S.
combined collect only about 53 exajoules (about 50 x 1015 Btu) of sunlight
energy per year. Meanwhile, people in the U.S. consume slightly more than
twice that amount of energy from fossil fuels.
Enthusiasts suggest ethanol produced from corn grain and cellulosic biomass,
like grasses, could replace much of the oil used in the U.S. Consider that
20% of the U.S. corn crop was converted into 5 billion gal of ethanol last
year, but that replaces only 1% of U.S. petroleum consumption. If the entire
corn crop were used, it would replace a mere 7% of petroleum consumption.
This will not make the U.S. independent of foreign oil.
Our up-to-date analysis of all the 14 energy inputs that typically go into
corn production, plus the nine inputs invested in fermentation and
distillation operations, confirms that the energy expended (mostly high-
value oil and natural gas) to produce a gallon of corn ethanol is 40% more
than is in the ethanol itself. Often, investigators omit some of the energy
inputs required in corn production and processing. These include energy for
farm labor, farm machinery, energy production of hybrid corn-seed,
irrigation, and processing equipment. Omitting some energy inputs suggests
that a corn ethanol production system provides a positive energy return.
Investigators also differ about the energy value of the by-products from
making corn ethanol. By-product credits range only from 10 to 60% for the
distillers grain, which is not a fuel but cattle feed. In any event, corn
ethanol is an inefficient choice from an energy standpoint.
The production of corn ethanol is subsidized by state and federal
governments to the tune of more than $6 billion per year according to a 2006
report, "Biofuels-At What Cost? Government Support for Ethanol and
Biodiesel in the United States," released by the International Institute for
Sustainable Development in Geneva. Thus the subsidies for a gallon of
ethanol are more than 90 times the subsidies for a gallon of gasoline (
approximately 3 cents per gal). If the subsidies for ethanol production were
making the U.S. oil independent, perhaps these exorbitant subsidies might
be justified.
The environmental impacts of corn ethanol are significant and diverse. They
include severe soil erosion of farmland plus the heavy use of nitrogen
fertilizer and pesticides. Large quantities of carbon dioxide are produced
and released into the atmosphere because significant amounts of fossil fuel
energy are used in ethanol production. In addition, during the fermentation
process, about 25% of the carbon from the sugars and starches is released as
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These two large releases of carbon
dioxide significantly contribute to global warming. Note, each gallon of
ethanol requires 1,700 gal of water (mostly to grow the corn) and releases
12 gal of noxious sewage effluent into the environment.
Using food crops, such as corn grain, to produce ethanol also raises major
ethical concerns. More than 3.7 billion people in the world are currently
malnourished, so the need for grains and other basic foods is critical.
Growing crops for fuel squanders land, water, and energy resources vital for
the production of food for people. Associated with the use of corn for
ethanol are major increases in the price of beef, chicken, pork, eggs, and
milk for the U.S. consumer, according to Lester Brown, president of the
Earth Policy Institute, and Jacques Diouf, director-general of the United
Nations Food & Agriculture Organization.
As an alternative to corn, some ethanol proponents suggest that all 600
million acres of U.S. grassland should be harvested and that the cellulosic
biomass should be converted into ethanol. If it is assumed that 100 gal of
ethanol could be produced per acre of grass, all U.S. grass would replace
slightly more than 10% of U.S. petroleum use. Producing ethanol from
cellulosic biomass is significantly more energy intensive than producing it
from corn because straw contains half the sugars and starches needed for
fermentation. For this reason, additional energy inputs are required in the
processing of cellulosic biomass. With current technology, 50% more energy
is required to produce a gallon of ethanol from cellulosic biomass than from
corn. Moreover, converting U.S. grass into ethanol negatively impacts the
100 million cattle, 7 million sheep, and 4 million horses that currently
require this forage for food.
The conversion of any biomass into liquid fuels is costly in terms of fossil
energy, vital farmland, and freshwater. Even if the biomass conversion
processes are made more efficient, the limited availability of U.S. biomass
will not be sufficient as a reliable source of liquid fuel. Energy
conservation and development of renewable energy sources, such as solar
cells, should be given research priority.
Dale Counterpoint
Dr. Pimentel's critique of ethanol continues as it began years ago,
unencumbered by valid comparisons and uninformed by different perspectives.
A long list of baseless or misleading charges against ethanol is given, many
of which cannot be answered in this short response. I will try to refute
some charges, offer new perspectives, and outline how cellulosic ethanol can
provide large amounts of fuel while improving the environment, enhancing
rural economies, and increasing world food supplies.
Dr. Pimentel emphasizes that his analysis includes 14 energy-consuming
operations required for ethanol production. Even if 14,000 such operations
were included, the analysis would still be irrelevant. One megajoule of coal
is simply not equivalent to 1 MJ of petroleum. If you doubt this, try
grinding up some coal, put it in your gas tank, and see how far you can
drive on coal's energy content. Pimentel's "net energy" analysis is akin to
adding 10 U.S. dollars, 10 Mexican pesos, and 10 Indian rupees to get $30—
an absurdity. Different energy carriers and different currencies have
different qualities. They cannot simply be added together as Dr. Pimentel
Ethanol is indeed subsidized. I would much prefer that all subsidies be
ended, including the subsidy on gasoline, which has been estimated by the
Government Accountability Office and the New York Times to be several
dollars per gallon of gas (NSIAD-91-250; New York Times, "Fuels for the
Future News," May 16, 1997, respectively). For example, many of our military
assets are explicitly devoted to protecting oil supply lines. The 7th Fleet
will not be needed to protect our domestic corn fields and grasslands.
Ethanol is said to require lots of water. Actually, gasoline production uses
more than 10 times as much water as does corn ethanol production. It is
true that plants transpire about 200 kg of water per kg of dry plant matter
produced. So what? The water transpired by plants originally fell as rain or
snow and is purified as it passes through the plant to the atmosphere where
it will fall again as rain or snow. When has water quality ever been
improved by contact with petroleum?
Ethanol production is said to release large amounts of carbon dioxide and "
sewage" and to promote soil erosion. Actually, all water discharges must
meet local regulations. Soil erosion on U.S. cropland has declined by almost
50% in recent years.
No one knowledgeable about cellulosic ethanol believes that the process is
energy intensive. Process residues, when burned, will provide more than
enough steam and electricity to run cellulosic ethanol plants. Perennial
grasses, grown as energy crops, will be important feedstocks for cellulosic
ethanol production. Significantly increasing their per-acre yields is very
achievable. Contrary to Dr. Pimentel's assumption of 100 gal of cellulosic
ethanol per acre, about 500 gal per acre is currently possible, with 1,500
gal per acre a feasible 10-year goal. Perennial grasses are excellent
builders of soil, and they sequester large amounts of atmospheric carbon
dioxide. They also trap inorganic nitrogen in plant matter, thereby reducing
nitrous oxide (a potent greenhouse gas) and limiting nitrate leaching to
ground- and surface waters.
Ethanol production is said to raise food prices. If we get beyond the first
emotional "food versus fuel" reaction, we find that fuel prices affect the
cost of literally everything we eat, while corn prices have a comparatively
small effect on the cost of some food items. Corn ethanol is less expensive
to produce than gasoline, helping keep a lid on fuel prices and therefore on
food prices. Cellulosic ethanol will become much cheaper than gasoline,
thereby reducing delivered food prices.
There is another crucial fact to consider: Neither the U.S. nor any other
developed country uses its land to grow much human food. What we actually
grow is animal feed. Nearly 90% of our 650 million acres of crop and good
pasture land is used to grow animal feed. Most of this feed is for beef and
dairy cattle, which are nutritionally versatile animals. Animals, like
humans, require two primary nutrients: protein and digestible energy (
calories). Grasses can be processed to recover protein suitable for animal
feed. Grasses pretreated to enhance their biological conversion to ethanol
should also be quite digestible by ruminant animals. Taken together, these
developments will increase the per-acre productivity of protein and
digestible energy. Food will become cheaper because animal feed will become
more abundant and cheaper. Coproducing animal feed and fuel will also reduce
the total acreage required to meet our feed and fuel needs. Credible
scenarios exist in which no new land would be required to meet demands for
food, feed, and fiber while still providing more than 100 billion gal of
cellulosic ethanol per year.
Finally, cellulosic materials are bulky and would not be transported long
distances. They will be processed relatively close to where they are grown,
providing opportunities for rural communities to increase their wealth by
adding value to plant biomass. This important opportunity to strengthen
rural communities throughout the world via biofuel production merits serious
and sustained research and policy attention.
All paths to a more sustainable future will require us to make choices among
alternative fuels. When appropriate comparisons are made, biofuels,
particularly cellulosic biofuels, stand out as attractive alternatives.
Pimentel Counterpoint
Thorough research on biofuels is essential because the nation needs liquid
fuels. In providing them, all data and energy inputs must be carefully
assessed. This is critical for our future national security and to ensure
the preservation of the very natural resources that support human life.
Dr. Dale suggests that in measuring the benefits of biofuels, we should
assess only the petroleum inputs and not include any of the other energy
inputs, like natural gas. This approach is not scientifically sound because
natural gas is a vital energy resource in the production of corn ethanol. In
fact, nearly one-third of the total energy inputs in U.S. corn production
is for nitrogen fertilizer, an essential component for high-yield corn
production that is made from natural gas.
Approximately 150 lb per acre of nitrogen fertilizer is currently applied to
achieve a yield of about 8,700 lb of corn per acre. Without this nitrogen
fertilizer, the corn yield would average only about 1,600 lb per acre.
Specifically, about a half-gallon of petroleum equivalents as natural gas is
necessary to produce 1 kg of nitrogen fertilizer.
Natural gas is being imported into the U.S. because our supply is declining.
And about 50% of the nitrogen fertilizer used in the U.S. is being imported
to make up for the shortfall of natural gas needed to make nitrogen
fertilizer. Nathan Hagens, a graduate student at the University of Vermont,
and Kenneth Mulder, a professor of biology at Green Mountain College,
Poultney, Vt., report that if it were possible for the U.S. to replace 30%
of its gasoline consumption with corn ethanol, the natural gas required for
corn ethanol production would equal the entire annual amount of natural gas
currently being utilized for home heating (personal communication). Clearly,
this would be impossible to carry out, but it does emphasize the vital role
of natural gas in corn ethanol production.
Focusing only on petroleum in corn ethanol production is similar to focusing
only on petroleum in the production and use of a tractor. All the energy
inputs required in the construction and maintenance of a tractor cannot be
ignored. Further, the energy inputs for farm labor, all farm machinery,
hybrid corn, and irrigation should be included in any assessment of energy
inputs in corn ethanol production.
Dr. Dale supports the findings related to ethanol production of the
Alexander E. Farrell research group at the University of California,
Berkeley (Science 2006, 311, 506). However, several leading energy
scientists have severely criticized this report in Science and in other
scientific publications for its omissions (Ware, George, editor. "Reviews of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology," Vol. 189, Springer, 2007, 25).
Also, the Farrell group gives excessive energy credit to the by-product,
distiller's grain, which is not an energy source but cattle feed. This also
distorts the true picture of corn ethanol production. Surprisingly, Daniel M
. Kammen, a member of the Farrell research group, recently has reported that
"corn ethanol is clearly flawed" (Time, June 7, online
By focusing only on petroleum use in corn ethanol production, Dr. Dale
reports reduced carbon dioxide in corn ethanol production. This is true only
if petroleum use is restricted in the total assessment. Dr. Dale fails to
consider the carbon dioxide released from all the energy inputs for nitrogen
fertilizer, farm labor, farm machinery, hybrid corn, and irrigation. When
all of these inputs plus the energy required in processing are included in
the assessment, then about 40% more fossil energy is required to produce a
gallon of ethanol than is in the ethanol produced. Thus, about 1.4 gal of
oil equivalents are required to produce 1 gal of ethanol.
In addition to the significant quantity of carbon dioxide released from the
large inputs of fossil energy used in corn production, a quantity of carbon
dioxide also is released during the fermentation process and conversion of
the corn grain into ethanol. All of this additional carbon dioxide
contributes to global warming.
Dr. Dale is correct that it takes about 1.1 kcal of petroleum to produce 1
kcal of gasoline. The real advantage of gasoline production is the high
density of petroleum used to produce gasoline.
Focus is changing from corn biomass, a food crop, to cellulosic biomass.
However, cellulosic biomass also requires land and water, as well as fossil
energy. The conversion of cellulosics has several disadvantages compared
with corn ethanol production. First, the concentration of starches and
sugars in cellulosic biomass is less than half that in corn, which means
twice as much cellulosic biomass is needed to produce a given amount of
ethanol. Second, to release the starches and sugars held by the lignin in
cellulose, an acid or a specialized enzyme must be used to dissolve the
lignin to free the starches and sugars. These strategies involve additional
energy and economic costs. Thus, about 1.5 gal of oil equivalents are
required to produce 1 gal of cellulosic ethanol.
Concerning national energy security, the 5 billion gal of ethanol produced
last year required the conversion of 20% of U.S. corn. As previously stated,
this 5 billion gal of ethanol represents only 1% of total petroleum use. If
100% of U.S. corn were converted into ethanol, this would provide only 7%
of petroleum use. Will this small amount of ethanol energy make the U.S.
petroleum independent and provide national energy security?
Ignored in the assessment of corn or cellulosic ethanol production are
enormous costs in terms of fossil energy and the carbon dioxide it releases.
Basically, using any biomass for ethanol production requires large areas of
land and significant quantities of water and causes numerous environmental
The Costs Of Biofuels
Two views on whether corn ethanol and, eventually, ethanol from cellulosic
biomass will efficiently deliver national energy security
William Schulz
THE DRUMBEAT in favor of biofuels has only increased since President George
W. Bush's 2007 State of the Union address calling for a 20% cut in gasoline
use, much of it to be replaced with alternative fuels such as biofuels.
Indeed, industry has begun investing in biofuels and biofuels R&D as never
before. Consumers, too, are eager for anything that might trim the cost of a
gallon of gasoline.
Kurt Stepnitz/MSU Communications (Dale)
Robert Barker/University Photography (Pimentel)
Debates Dale (left), a chemical engineering professor at Michigan State
University, contends that well-chosen metrics need to be used in order to
evaluate the true costs and benefits of biofuels; Pimentel, an entomologist
and professor of agricultural sciences at Cornell University, argues that
biofuels are costly from both economic and environmental perspectives and
also raise significant ethical concerns.
But the criticisms and questions that dog the use of biofuels remain
formidable. Can the U.S. really afford to devote its entire corn crop to the
production of ethanol, as might be required under some of the targets set
by President Bush? What will happen to the price of corn, and what impact
will this have in terms of feeding those who are hungry in this world? What
are the true energy costs of biofuels, and can their use mitigate global
climate change, as is widely anticipated?
As part of its ongoing coverage of the biofuels story, C&EN has asked two
prominent biofuels experts to square off in opposition to or in support of
biofuels. David Pimentel, an entomologist and professor of agricultural
sciences at Cornell University, has raised objections to biofuels since the
early 1970s. A recognized authority on the subject, he believes biofuels'
costs far outweigh their potential benefits.
Taking the opposite view is Bruce E. Dale, a professor of chemical
engineering and materials science and associate director of the Office of
Biobased Technologies at Michigan State University. He also serves as editor
-in-chief of Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefineries, a new Wiley journal.
Dale argues that a fair analysis of biofuels reveals their value as a
replacement for fossil fuels. He believes they should be an important
contributor to energy security in the U.S. and one answer for reducing CO2
inputs into the atmosphere.
Dale Point
As with other products, biofuels should be compared with their alternatives
according to well-chosen metrics. It is no more rational to support or
oppose biofuels without relevant performance standards than it is to support
or oppose ballpoint pens without appropriate criteria. Therefore, what are
the appropriate comparison standards for biofuels?
Two issues are pivotal for all petroleum alternatives: national security by
significantly reducing petroleum dependence and climate security by
significantly reducing greenhouse gases. Biofuels should substantially
reduce petroleum used and greenhouse gases generated compared with their
petroleum-derived alternatives. Ideal biofuel metrics are petroleum consumed
and greenhouse gases generated per mile traveled. Unfortunately, this
calculation requires detailed vehicle performance information that is likely
unavailable. Reasonable substitute metrics are biofuel energy produced per
unit of petroleum consumed over the biofuel life cycle and biofuel energy
produced per unit of greenhouse gases generated. Ethanol replaces gasoline
in internal combustion engines. Thus, the ethanol-to-gasoline comparison is
relevant. The data of Farrell et al. summarized in the table allow us to
compare ethanol and gasoline (Science 2006, 311, 506).
Generating 1 MJ of gasoline requires 1.1 MJ of petroleum, while only 0.04 MJ
of petroleum is required to generate 1 MJ of ethanol from corn ("ethanol
today" scenario). The reduction in petroleum required per megajoule of fuel
to the consumer is therefore 0.04 minus 1.1 divided by 1.1 multiplied by 100
equals 96%. Corn ethanol allows us to improve vehicle mileage per unit of
petroleum consumed by a factor of 1.1 minus 0.04 divided by 0.04 equals 26.5
. Effectively, ethanol achieves almost 800 miles per gallon of oil (26.5
times 30, for a vehicle getting 30 mpg). We have no other "drop in" gasoline
alternative that so greatly increases miles per unit of oil consumed.
Greenhouse gas reduction is also significant. For the "ethanol today"
scenario, the greenhouse gas reduction compared with gasoline is 18%—77
minus 94 (kilograms of CO2 equivalent per megajoule of fuel) divided by 94
times 100. For the "cellulosic ethanol" scenario, the corresponding values
are 93% reduction in petroleum use and a very large 88% reduction in
greenhouse gases. Ethanol therefore achieves real improvements in both
petroleum consumption and greenhouse gases generated compared with gasoline.
Relevant, rigorous data sets that allow comparison of other biofuels with
petroleum-derived fuels are currently unavailable.
Corn ethanol production technology is still improving, and its fossil-fuel
use is declining. For example, new enzymes have recently been introduced
that significantly reduce energy consumption in corn ethanol facilities.
Likewise, cellulosic ethanol production technology is improving rapidly. In
contrast, petroleum discovery, production, and processing are becoming more
energy intensive as the quality of petroleum declines (more viscous, higher
sulfur crude oil) and as petroleum is produced in more remote locations (for
example, deepwater Gulf of Mexico) and under harsher climatic conditions.
Simply stated, the future trends for petroleum are negative while the trends
for ethanol are positive.
Irrelevant and misleading metrics such as the "net energy" metric advanced
by Dr. Pimentel to criticize ethanol do not promote good strategic decision-
making. Net energy is defined as the fuel's heating value minus the sum of
all fossil energy inputs—coal, natural gas, and petroleum—required to
produce the fuel. Net energy is irrelevant because it lumps all fossil
energy carriers together and considers a megajoule of coal as equivalent to
a megajoule of petroleum or natural gas. This is obviously wrong; otherwise,
we would not pay more than five times as much for a megajoule of petroleum
as we do for a megajoule of coal. Coal's energy content is simply not as
valuable or as versatile as oil's. All megajoules are not created equal.
Net energy analysis is misleading because ethanol's net energy was never
compared with gasoline's net energy. The comparison is easily done. From the
table above, ethanol's net energy is 1.0 minus the sum of (0.04 + 0.28 + 0.
41) times 100, which equals +27%, while gasoline's net energy is 1.0 minus
the sum of (1.1 + 0.03 + 0.05) times 100, which equals -18%. Gasoline's net
energy is therefore significantly lower than ethanol's. We would have been
saved much confusion and trouble if Dr. Pimentel and his coworkers had
compared ethanol's net energy with the net energy of gasoline, but they
never did so. Comparisons between our realistic alternatives are essential
for good decision-making.
Other metrics are also relevant. For example, the scale of production and
cost of biofuels are important criteria. Ethanol from grain and sugar crops
will probably never exceed 10% of total U.S. motor fuel needs, a modest but
important fraction. As to cost, Brazil now produces ethanol from sugarcane
for less than the energy equivalent cost of gasoline. Cellulosic ethanol
could eventually supply hundreds of billions of gallons of liquid fuel at
production costs well under $1.50 per gal of gasoline equivalent. Does any
reasonable individual think that gas prices are headed down over the long
Some possible metrics for biofuels require more thought. For example,
available land, potential environmental degradation, and competition with
food production are believed to be major limitations for biofuels. Careful
systems-level thinking creatively resolves these and other issues,
especially for cellulosic biofuels.
Pimentel Point
For millions of years, green plants contributed to the formation of our oil
, natural gas, and coal. By 1850, when wood accounted for 91% of U.S. energy
consumption and the U.S. population was less than 10% of the current 301
million people, serious wood shortages already existed. Now, with only about
4.5% of the world population, the U.S. is the largest per capita fossil
energy consumer of any country in the world. Because 90% of U.S. oil has
been mined, the U.S. now imports more than 63% of its oil at a cost of $200
billion per year.
Faced with a diminishing supply of oil, converting grain or other biomass
into ethanol fuel as a substitute has become popular. Using corn or any
other biomass requires large land areas of fertile soil, large quantities of
water, and sunlight for green plant production. Green plants in the U.S.
combined collect only about 53 exajoules (about 50 x 1015 Btu) of sunlight
energy per year. Meanwhile, people in the U.S. consume slightly more than
twice that amount of energy from fossil fuels.
Enthusiasts suggest ethanol produced from corn grain and cellulosic biomass,
like grasses, could replace much of the oil used in the U.S. Consider that
20% of the U.S. corn crop was converted into 5 billion gal of ethanol last
year, but that replaces only 1% of U.S. petroleum consumption. If the entire
corn crop were used, it would replace a mere 7% of petroleum consumption.
This will not make the U.S. independent of foreign oil.
Our up-to-date analysis of all the 14 energy inputs that typically go into
corn production, plus the nine inputs invested in fermentation and
distillation operations, confirms that the energy expended (mostly high-
value oil and natural gas) to produce a gallon of corn ethanol is 40% more
than is in the ethanol itself. Often, investigators omit some of the energy
inputs required in corn production and processing. These include energy for
farm labor, farm machinery, energy production of hybrid corn-seed,
irrigation, and processing equipment. Omitting some energy inputs suggests
that a corn ethanol production system provides a positive energy return.
Investigators also differ about the energy value of the by-products from
making corn ethanol. By-product credits range only from 10 to 60% for the
distillers grain, which is not a fuel but cattle feed. In any event, corn
ethanol is an inefficient choice from an energy standpoint.
The production of corn ethanol is subsidized by state and federal
governments to the tune of more than $6 billion per year according to a 2006
report, "Biofuels-At What Cost? Government Support for Ethanol and
Biodiesel in the United States," released by the International Institute for
Sustainable Development in Geneva. Thus the subsidies for a gallon of
ethanol are more than 90 times the subsidies for a gallon of gasoline (
approximately 3 cents per gal). If the subsidies for ethanol production were
making the U.S. oil independent, perhaps these exorbitant subsidies might
be justified.
The environmental impacts of corn ethanol are significant and diverse. They
include severe soil erosion of farmland plus the heavy use of nitrogen
fertilizer and pesticides. Large quantities of carbon dioxide are produced
and released into the atmosphere because significant amounts of fossil fuel
energy are used in ethanol production. In addition, during the fermentation
process, about 25% of the carbon from the sugars and starches is released as
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These two large releases of carbon
dioxide significantly contribute to global warming. Note, each gallon of
ethanol requires 1,700 gal of water (mostly to grow the corn) and releases
12 gal of noxious sewage effluent into the environment.
Using food crops, such as corn grain, to produce ethanol also raises major
ethical concerns. More than 3.7 billion people in the world are currently
malnourished, so the need for grains and other basic foods is critical.
Growing crops for fuel squanders land, water, and energy resources vital for
the production of food for people. Associated with the use of corn for
ethanol are major increases in the price of beef, chicken, pork, eggs, and
milk for the U.S. consumer, according to Lester Brown, president of the
Earth Policy Institute, and Jacques Diouf, director-general of the United
Nations Food & Agriculture Organization.
As an alternative to corn, some ethanol proponents suggest that all 600
million acres of U.S. grassland should be harvested and that the cellulosic
biomass should be converted into ethanol. If it is assumed that 100 gal of
ethanol could be produced per acre of grass, all U.S. grass would replace
slightly more than 10% of U.S. petroleum use. Producing ethanol from
cellulosic biomass is significantly more energy intensive than producing it
from corn because straw contains half the sugars and starches needed for
fermentation. For this reason, additional energy inputs are required in the
processing of cellulosic biomass. With current technology, 50% more energy
is required to produce a gallon of ethanol from cellulosic biomass than from
corn. Moreover, converting U.S. grass into ethanol negatively impacts the
100 million cattle, 7 million sheep, and 4 million horses that currently
require this forage for food.
The conversion of any biomass into liquid fuels is costly in terms of fossil
energy, vital farmland, and freshwater. Even if the biomass conversion
processes are made more efficient, the limited availability of U.S. biomass
will not be sufficient as a reliable source of liquid fuel. Energy
conservation and development of renewable energy sources, such as solar
cells, should be given research priority.
Dale Counterpoint
Dr. Pimentel's critique of ethanol continues as it began years ago,
unencumbered by valid comparisons and uninformed by different perspectives.
A long list of baseless or misleading charges against ethanol is given, many
of which cannot be answered in this short response. I will try to refute
some charges, offer new perspectives, and outline how cellulosic ethanol can
provide large amounts of fuel while improving the environment, enhancing
rural economies, and increasing world food supplies.
Dr. Pimentel emphasizes that his analysis includes 14 energy-consuming
operations required for ethanol production. Even if 14,000 such operations
were included, the analysis would still be irrelevant. One megajoule of coal
is simply not equivalent to 1 MJ of petroleum. If you doubt this, try
grinding up some coal, put it in your gas tank, and see how far you can
drive on coal's energy content. Pimentel's "net energy" analysis is akin to
adding 10 U.S. dollars, 10 Mexican pesos, and 10 Indian rupees to get $30—
an absurdity. Different energy carriers and different currencies have
different qualities. They cannot simply be added together as Dr. Pimentel
Ethanol is indeed subsidized. I would much prefer that all subsidies be
ended, including the subsidy on gasoline, which has been estimated by the
Government Accountability Office and the New York Times to be several
dollars per gallon of gas (NSIAD-91-250; New York Times, "Fuels for the
Future News," May 16, 1997, respectively). For example, many of our military
assets are explicitly devoted to protecting oil supply lines. The 7th Fleet
will not be needed to protect our domestic corn fields and grasslands.
Ethanol is said to require lots of water. Actually, gasoline production uses
more than 10 times as much water as does corn ethanol production. It is
true that plants transpire about 200 kg of water per kg of dry plant matter
produced. So what? The water transpired by plants originally fell as rain or
snow and is purified as it passes through the plant to the atmosphere where
it will fall again as rain or snow. When has water quality ever been
improved by contact with petroleum?
Ethanol production is said to release large amounts of carbon dioxide and "
sewage" and to promote soil erosion. Actually, all water discharges must
meet local regulations. Soil erosion on U.S. cropland has declined by almost
50% in recent years.
No one knowledgeable about cellulosic ethanol believes that the process is
energy intensive. Process residues, when burned, will provide more than
enough steam and electricity to run cellulosic ethanol plants. Perennial
grasses, grown as energy crops, will be important feedstocks for cellulosic
ethanol production. Significantly increasing their per-acre yields is very
achievable. Contrary to Dr. Pimentel's assumption of 100 gal of cellulosic
ethanol per acre, about 500 gal per acre is currently possible, with 1,500
gal per acre a feasible 10-year goal. Perennial grasses are excellent
builders of soil, and they sequester large amounts of atmospheric carbon
dioxide. They also trap inorganic nitrogen in plant matter, thereby reducing
nitrous oxide (a potent greenhouse gas) and limiting nitrate leaching to
ground- and surface waters.
Ethanol production is said to raise food prices. If we get beyond the first
emotional "food versus fuel" reaction, we find that fuel prices affect the
cost of literally everything we eat, while corn prices have a comparatively
small effect on the cost of some food items. Corn ethanol is less expensive
to produce than gasoline, helping keep a lid on fuel prices and therefore on
food prices. Cellulosic ethanol will become much cheaper than gasoline,
thereby reducing delivered food prices.
There is another crucial fact to consider: Neither the U.S. nor any other
developed country uses its land to grow much human food. What we actually
grow is animal feed. Nearly 90% of our 650 million acres of crop and good
pasture land is used to grow animal feed. Most of this feed is for beef and
dairy cattle, which are nutritionally versatile animals. Animals, like
humans, require two primary nutrients: protein and digestible energy (
calories). Grasses can be processed to recover protein suitable for animal
feed. Grasses pretreated to enhance their biological conversion to ethanol
should also be quite digestible by ruminant animals. Taken together, these
developments will increase the per-acre productivity of protein and
digestible energy. Food will become cheaper because animal feed will become
more abundant and cheaper. Coproducing animal feed and fuel will also reduce
the total acreage required to meet our feed and fuel needs. Credible
scenarios exist in which no new land would be required to meet demands for
food, feed, and fiber while still providing more than 100 billion gal of
cellulosic ethanol per year.
Finally, cellulosic materials are bulky and would not be transported long
distances. They will be processed relatively close to where they are grown,
providing opportunities for rural communities to increase their wealth by
adding value to plant biomass. This important opportunity to strengthen
rural communities throughout the world via biofuel production merits serious
and sustained research and policy attention.
All paths to a more sustainable future will require us to make choices among
alternative fuels. When appropriate comparisons are made, biofuels,
particularly cellulosic biofuels, stand out as attractive alternatives.
Pimentel Counterpoint
Thorough research on biofuels is essential because the nation needs liquid
fuels. In providing them, all data and energy inputs must be carefully
assessed. This is critical for our future national security and to ensure
the preservation of the very natural resources that support human life.
Dr. Dale suggests that in measuring the benefits of biofuels, we should
assess only the petroleum inputs and not include any of the other energy
inputs, like natural gas. This approach is not scientifically sound because
natural gas is a vital energy resource in the production of corn ethanol. In
fact, nearly one-third of the total energy inputs in U.S. corn production
is for nitrogen fertilizer, an essential component for high-yield corn
production that is made from natural gas.
Approximately 150 lb per acre of nitrogen fertilizer is currently applied to
achieve a yield of about 8,700 lb of corn per acre. Without this nitrogen
fertilizer, the corn yield would average only about 1,600 lb per acre.
Specifically, about a half-gallon of petroleum equivalents as natural gas is
necessary to produce 1 kg of nitrogen fertilizer.
Natural gas is being imported into the U.S. because our supply is declining.
And about 50% of the nitrogen fertilizer used in the U.S. is being imported
to make up for the shortfall of natural gas needed to make nitrogen
fertilizer. Nathan Hagens, a graduate student at the University of Vermont,
and Kenneth Mulder, a professor of biology at Green Mountain College,
Poultney, Vt., report that if it were possible for the U.S. to replace 30%
of its gasoline consumption with corn ethanol, the natural gas required for
corn ethanol production would equal the entire annual amount of natural gas
currently being utilized for home heating (personal communication). Clearly,
this would be impossible to carry out, but it does emphasize the vital role
of natural gas in corn ethanol production.
Focusing only on petroleum in corn ethanol production is similar to focusing
only on petroleum in the production and use of a tractor. All the energy
inputs required in the construction and maintenance of a tractor cannot be
ignored. Further, the energy inputs for farm labor, all farm machinery,
hybrid corn, and irrigation should be included in any assessment of energy
inputs in corn ethanol production.
Dr. Dale supports the findings related to ethanol production of the
Alexander E. Farrell research group at the University of California,
Berkeley (Science 2006, 311, 506). However, several leading energy
scientists have severely criticized this report in Science and in other
scientific publications for its omissions (Ware, George, editor. "Reviews of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology," Vol. 189, Springer, 2007, 25).
Also, the Farrell group gives excessive energy credit to the by-product,
distiller's grain, which is not an energy source but cattle feed. This also
distorts the true picture of corn ethanol production. Surprisingly, Daniel M
. Kammen, a member of the Farrell research group, recently has reported that
"corn ethanol is clearly flawed" (Time, June 7, online
By focusing only on petroleum use in corn ethanol production, Dr. Dale
reports reduced carbon dioxide in corn ethanol production. This is true only
if petroleum use is restricted in the total assessment. Dr. Dale fails to
consider the carbon dioxide released from all the energy inputs for nitrogen
fertilizer, farm labor, farm machinery, hybrid corn, and irrigation. When
all of these inputs plus the energy required in processing are included in
the assessment, then about 40% more fossil energy is required to produce a
gallon of ethanol than is in the ethanol produced. Thus, about 1.4 gal of
oil equivalents are required to produce 1 gal of ethanol.
In addition to the significant quantity of carbon dioxide released from the
large inputs of fossil energy used in corn production, a quantity of carbon
dioxide also is released during the fermentation process and conversion of
the corn grain into ethanol. All of this additional carbon dioxide
contributes to global warming.
Dr. Dale is correct that it takes about 1.1 kcal of petroleum to produce 1
kcal of gasoline. The real advantage of gasoline production is the high
density of petroleum used to produce gasoline.
Focus is changing from corn biomass, a food crop, to cellulosic biomass.
However, cellulosic biomass also requires land and water, as well as fossil
energy. The conversion of cellulosics has several disadvantages compared
with corn ethanol production. First, the concentration of starches and
sugars in cellulosic biomass is less than half that in corn, which means
twice as much cellulosic biomass is needed to produce a given amount of
ethanol. Second, to release the starches and sugars held by the lignin in
cellulose, an acid or a specialized enzyme must be used to dissolve the
lignin to free the starches and sugars. These strategies involve additional
energy and economic costs. Thus, about 1.5 gal of oil equivalents are
required to produce 1 gal of cellulosic ethanol.
Concerning national energy security, the 5 billion gal of ethanol produced
last year required the conversion of 20% of U.S. corn. As previously stated,
this 5 billion gal of ethanol represents only 1% of total petroleum use. If
100% of U.S. corn were converted into ethanol, this would provide only 7%
of petroleum use. Will this small amount of ethanol energy make the U.S.
petroleum independent and provide national energy security?
Ignored in the assessment of corn or cellulosic ethanol production are
enormous costs in terms of fossil energy and the carbon dioxide it releases.
Basically, using any biomass for ethanol production requires large areas of
land and significant quantities of water and causes numerous environmental
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Global Warming Is Destroying Coral Reefs, Major Study Warns
ScienceDaily (Dec. 14, 2007) — The largest living structures on Earth and the millions of livelihoods which depend upon them are at risk, the most definitive review yet of the impact of rising carbon emissions on coral reefs has concluded.
If world leaders do not immediately engage in a race against time to save the Earth's coral reefs, these vital ecosystems will not survive the global warming and acidification predicted for later this century. That is the conclusion of a group of marine scientists from around the world in a major new study published in the journal Science on Dec. 13.
"It's vital that the public understands that the lack of sustainability in the world's carbon emissions is causing the rapid loss of coral reefs, the world's most biodiverse marine ecosystem," said Drew Harvell, Cornell professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and head of the Coral Disease Research Team, which is part of the international Coral Reef Targeted Research (CRTR) group that wrote the new study.
The rise of carbon dioxide emissions and the resultant climate warming from the burning of fossil fuels are making oceans warmer and more acidic, said co-author Harvell, which is triggering widespread coral disease and stifling coral growth toward "a tipping point for functional collapse."
The scientists argue that rising global CO2 emissions represent an 'irreducible risk' that will rapidly outstrip the capacity of local coastal managers and policy-makers to maintain the health of these critical ecosystems, if CO2 emissions are allowed to continue unchecked.
"This crisis is on our doorstep, not decades away. We have little time in which to respond, but respond, we must!" says Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, lead author of the Science paper, The Carbon Crisis: Coral Reefs under Rapid Climate Change and Ocean Acidification.
"Coral reefs have already taken a big hit from recent warm temperatures, but rapid rises in carbon dioxide cause acidification, which adds a new threat: the inability of corals to create calcareous skeletons," said Harvell. "Acidification actually threatens all marine animals and plants with calcareous skeletons, including corals, snails, clams and crabs. Our study shows that levels of CO2 could become unsustainable for coral reefs in as little as five decades."
"The livelihoods of 100 million people living along the coasts of tropical developing countries will be among the first major casualties of rising levels of carbon in the atmosphere," says Professor Hoegh-Guldberg.
"The warmer and more acidic oceans caused by the rise of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels threaten to destroy coral reef ecosystems, exposing people to flooding, coastal erosion and the loss of food and income from reef-based fisheries and tourism. And this is happening just when many nations are hoping that these industries would allow them to alleviate their impoverished state."
Coral reefs are often portrayed as natural wonders of great beauty which makes them an important tourism attraction. In Australia, revenue from international tourism to the Great Barrier Reef exceeds $6.8 billion per year. It is estimated that coral reef-related tourism generates tens of billions of dollars per year worldwide. They are the economic engine of a vast number of economies around the world.
Professor Hoegh-Guldberg, who is based at The University of Queensland, says coral reefs occupy a unique niche in the world's environment, where water temperatures and other environmental factors are 'just right'. "But raising as little as 1°C the temperature that ocean surface waters reach in summer subjects coral reefs to stresses which lead quickly to mass bleaching. Raise the temperature a little more, and the corals that build reefs die in great numbers. No coral, no coral reef ecosystem," says Professor Hoegh-Guldberg.
"In summary, the environment that has surrounded coral reefs for hundreds of thousands of years is changing so fast that compensatory biological responses are lagging behind, putting at risk the marine ecosystem with the highest biodiversity on Earth."
Professor Hoegh-Guldberg says the concentration of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere is 380 parts per million (ppm), which is 80ppm higher than where it has been for the past 740,000 years, if not 20 million years. Increasing atmospheric CO2 has already brought about a +0.74°C rise in temperature, he says.
What can be done?
"If current CO2 emission trends continue, then even the most conservative estimates predict CO2 concentrations exceeding 500ppm and global temperature increases of 2°C or more by the end of the century," Professor Hoegh-Guldberg says. "Under these conditions coral reefs are likely to dwindle into insignificance; they'll be reduced to rubble, threatening the fate of those tens of millions of people whose livelihoods depend upon them.
"We clearly have to do more to reduce CO2 emissions and still more in preparing vulnerable communities to the almost inevitable problems that they will face as a result of already entrained climate change."
As world leaders gather for the last day of the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting in Bali, the CRTR scientists argue that the issue of global CO2 emissions demands leadership at the international level, including a collective agreement on carbon emission reductions.
Says Dr Marea Hatziolos, CRTR Team Leader, World Bank, and a co-author of the Science paper: "There is an urgent need for high carbon growth countries to reduce their total CO2 emissions and a responsibility on the part of industrialized nations to assist the most vulnerable coral reef states adapt to climate change impacts while reducing local risks to reefs."
Dr Hatziolos points out that most coral reefs occur within developing countries where poverty and reliance on ecosystem goods and services place great pressure on them.
"In developing countries, tourism based on ecosystem services provided by coral reefs is a vital and rapidly expanding industry," Dr Hatziolos says. "Much of the protein consumed by poor coastal communities is supplied in one way or another by coral reefs.
"Less visible, but no less important, is the essential role played by coral reefs in providing habitat for a vast array of marine species which contribute to a complex food chain that extends across the oceans.
"The threats to this natural capital from increased CO2 emissions generated on a global scale simply raise the urgency for local reef managers and policy-makers to take responsibility for the 'reducible risk' to coral reefs, such as over-fishing, pollution and unsustainable coastal development.
"However, this is unlikely to happen, at the intensity and scale required, unless industrialised nations make funds available to assist the most vulnerable coral reef states manage these reducible risks."
Dr Hatziolos says a range of policy and management tools are readily available, some of which have been refined through support from the CRTR Program, and no time should be lost in applying them more widely and effectively.
"These tools include coastal zone management, co-management arrangements between governments and local communities to foster effective stewardship, integrated catchment approaches to managing water quality and environmental flows, enforcement and compliance with fishing regulations, restoration of reefs and coastal vegetation and sustainable tourism," she says.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
George Washington Memorial Park
80 Stenton Avenue
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
离世廿载终回故土 马思聪:把每个音符献给祖国
当代中国乐坛拥有四位伟大的音乐家,除却贺绿汀,铮铮铁骨,历经战争洗礼和十年浩劫,1999年4月27日,在祖国怀抱安然闭合上自己的眼睛,终年96 岁,其他三位却都逝世在异国。其中,最年轻的,是中华人民共和国国歌的作曲者聂耳,1939年7月17日23岁时长眠于日本海滩。横空出世、气势磅礴的《黄河大合唱》的曲作者冼星海,1945年10月30日40岁时逝世在苏联。马思聪,1987年5月20日在美国费城与世长辞,终年76岁。
我说:对马思聪先生骨灰的回归,我有三个问题。第一,马思聪先生本人在自己生前,是否有过这样的"遗嘱",或者说是明确的表示,"我的骨灰要到祖国 "?二是,如果先生生前尚未有过这样的嘱托,那么现在的先生骨灰归来,是否可以理解为是他的夫人和子女"后来"的决定?三是,中国广州和美国费城,相隔千万里,马先生骨灰回归这件事情,具体是如何促成和怎样办理的?
鲁大铮递我一个厚厚的纸袋,里面是复印的各式稿件和资料,其中有:2001年马思聪音乐艺术馆开馆时,鲁大铮撰写刊发的《马思聪音乐艺术馆始末》; 2006年12月出版的"岭南文化知识书系"丛书《马思聪》,鲁大铮为作者之一;还有广州音乐研究杂志2002年第5期的《马思聪音乐艺术研究专辑》。
在今天的文字资料和网络搜寻中,可以看到对马思聪音乐创作中富有民族性、民歌风格和地域色彩的阐述和肯定,却已无法找见描绘马思聪创作《思乡曲》的具象情景。也许是北国丰腴的土地业已沦陷,东部海岸的防线炮火连天,身处广州弹丸之地的他,只得将目光转向内地的旷寂草原。马思聪听到了来自内蒙绥远河套地区的民谣: 城墙上有人,城墙下有马,想起了我的家乡,我就牙儿肉儿抖。举目回望四野荒凉,落日依山雁儿飞散,庙台的金顶闪闪光,驼群的影遮列天边,哎噢咦啊想家乡。风大啊黄沙满天,夜寒啊星辰作帐,草高啊盖着牛羊,家乡啊想念不忘。我的家乡路儿正长,心头怅惘。
1942年,暂居香港的马思聪,携家眷回到家乡广东海丰。他跟堂弟一起,为《思乡曲》填上新词: 当那杜鹃啼过声声添乡怨,更那堪江水呜咽,流浪儿啊,那边就是你可爱的故乡,就是有水鸟翱翔的地方,那边白云映红荔村前,暖丽南国多情的孩子,你为什么不回家?
1952年,马思聪"隔墙听音",录取15岁的林耀基进入中央音乐学院少年班学习。两年后,录取13岁的盛中国进校,并亲自点派两人赴苏联深造。 1955年,马思聪赴波兰,担任第五届国际肖邦钢琴比赛评委。中国派出的选手傅聪同行。十多天相处,马思聪给予傅聪"改进意见"。国际比赛众星璀璨,傅聪脱颖而出,夺得最高的"马茹卡舞曲奖"。1958年,马思聪任柴可夫斯基钢琴和小提琴国际比赛评委,携弟子刘诗昆到莫斯科。赛前,马思聪对刘诗昆说:手指触键要更短促、更有力,"锤子击钟后不立刻离开就把音捂死了,音会发闷"。在比赛中,刘诗昆获得第二名。
8月一天,马思聪被押上卡车,回到音乐学院。下车的马思聪脚跟尚未站稳,一桶浆糊倒在他的头上,一些人往他的身上贴大字报,把一顶写着"牛鬼蛇神"的高帽子戴到他的头上。马思聪脖子上挂着两块硬纸板,一块上写着"资产阶级音乐权威马思聪",另一块上写着"吸血鬼"。学生们让马思聪手拿一只破搪瓷盆作为 "丧钟",边敲边走,说这是"敲响了资产阶级的丧钟"。
历史上,放逐、出奔这类事不少。屈原、但丁是有名的例子。在"文革"中,我中华民族的着名作曲家马思聪先生,受尽极"左"路线的残酷迫害,被迫于 1967年出走国外,以抗议暴徒罪恶,维护了人的尊严,他根本没有错,却还是蒙受了十九年(1967-1985年)的不白之冤。
Thursday, December 6, 2007
一把老吉他,一段老男声---Some Dreams
演唱: Allan Taylor
Allan Taylor 有着 歌手 、吉他手、音乐家、诗人等多重身分,来自英国,他的演奏生涯超过三十年。他低沉醇厚的嗓音与优雅纯熟的吉他技巧,搭配其他优秀乐手的简单乐器伴奏,特别适合一个人的时候,或者几个知音邀约在某个地方,夜深人静的时候轻松欣赏
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
If not for me, if not for you
I ’ d be dreaming all day I wouldn ’ t know what to do
I ’ d hang around, I ’ d lose my way
I ’ d put off what I couldn ’ t do for another day
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
I ’ ve spent my life hung up on dreams
我消磨了光阴,沉醉梦里 ,
I float along like a summer cloud or so it seems
I get it wrong most things I do
But I can write a song and this one ’ s for you
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
Some call it fate, some call it chance
Some call waiting around for someone to ask you to dance
If I had my way, if I could call the tune
You wouldn ’ t have to wait ‘ cause I would dance you around the moon
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
Allan Taylor 有着 歌手 、吉他手、音乐家、诗人等多重身分,来自英国,他的演奏生涯超过三十年。他低沉醇厚的嗓音与优雅纯熟的吉他技巧,搭配其他优秀乐手的简单乐器伴奏,特别适合一个人的时候,或者几个知音邀约在某个地方,夜深人静的时候轻松欣赏
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
If not for me, if not for you
I ’ d be dreaming all day I wouldn ’ t know what to do
I ’ d hang around, I ’ d lose my way
I ’ d put off what I couldn ’ t do for another day
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
I ’ ve spent my life hung up on dreams
我消磨了光阴,沉醉梦里 ,
I float along like a summer cloud or so it seems
I get it wrong most things I do
But I can write a song and this one ’ s for you
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
Some call it fate, some call it chance
Some call waiting around for someone to ask you to dance
If I had my way, if I could call the tune
You wouldn ’ t have to wait ‘ cause I would dance you around the moon
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
I ’ ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Human Stem Cell Breakthrough: No Embryos Required
The end of the politically explosive, decadelong ethical battle over human embryonic stem cells may finally be in sight. Two groups of researchers report today that washing human skin cells in similar cocktails of four genes enabled them to reprogram the cells to resemble those harvested from embryos. The finding potentially paves the way for scores of labs to generate new stem cell lines without cloned embryos, which had long been considered the only realistic way of making human stem cells in the short run.
"The long run's getting a lot closer," says stem cell biologist James Thomson of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, a senior author of one of the studies. "I do believe this is the beginning of a great change."
He is not alone. British newspapers reported this weekend that Ian Wilmut, the University of Edinburgh biologist who led the team that in 1997 cloned Dolly the sheep, is getting out of the cloning business in light of the new findings, which seem to offer researchers a likely new source of stem cell lines for basic research that could one day lead to new treatments and perhaps cures for spinal injuries, diabetes and debilitating disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. In the nearer term, reprogrammed cells may improve the screening drug candidates for harmful side effects.
"That's the writing on the wall right now," says biologist Arnold Kriegstein, director of the Institute for Regeneration Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in the research.
Although both groups' reprogrammed cells were able to differentiate into the three main tissue types when injected into mice, Thomson cautions that they may harbor subtle, yet to be found quirks, and will need considerable tweaking before they could be safely transplanted into humans. Importantly, researchers must still study existing embryonic stem cell lines—the gold standard—to rule out any hidden risks in the lab-made cells, he says. "People want to rush and say, 'we don't need embryonic stem cells anymore,' and over time that might be true, but right now that's premature."
The results help fill in the scientific puzzle kicked off by Dolly's cloning, which proved that mammalian egg cells were capable of dissolving the genetic roadblocks that limit the potential of most adult cells to give rise to only a single type of tissue—that of the organ from which they hail—whereas embryonic stem cells have the potential to become virtually any kind of body tissue.
So researchers began testing genes that were only active in embryonic stem cells to try to pin down those capable of triggering the change. One such group, led by biologist Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan, reported last year that four genes, delivered to mouse cells by a retrovirus, were sufficient to induce pluripotency (the ability to differentiate into a multitude of cell types). The genes—Oct 3/4, Sox2, c-Myc and Klf4—are molecular switches called transcription factors, which activate other genes in series like a power strip.
Yamanaka's group and two others followed up earlier this year with firmer evidence that these induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells faithfully mimicked the patterns of gene activity and cellular differentiation observed in embryonic stem cells.
Now Yamanaka and his colleagues report in the journal Cell that the same combination of genes induced pluripotency in commercially available human fibroblasts (connective tissue cells that play a crucial role in healing) derived from the facial skin of a 36-year-old woman, the joint tissue of a man, aged 69, and a newborn, respectively.
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