Wednesday, December 26, 2007

瑞士之行: Bern

The old city of Bern was placed on the UNESCO Wordheritage list in 1983. The registration of a cultural site on the list of the UNESCO worldheritages is evidence of its outstanding universal value so as to ensure its protection for mankind.

Atmospherically encircled by the Aare River and, on clar days, set against an overwhelming Alpine panorama,Bern owes its charm to an intact mediaeval cityscape with surprisingly broad streets, more than 6km of arcades, colurful sculptured Renaissance fountains, largely unimpaired sandstone facades, a unique rooftop landscape and a variety of outstanding museums.

Bern 老城区,很小哦,不过巧夺天工, 三面被Aare River 环绕。像一个小半岛。 地方虽小, 名气可不小。那一排排中世纪的建筑, 两座遥相呼应的钟楼,远远的你就能听到优雅的钟声, 建筑里那六公里多长的拱形通道, 在欣赏令琅满目的时装, 钟表等时, 让你觉得有一种无形的温暖和安全感。

楼与楼之间, 当然是街道, 但是还是保持着一份古老的气息, 都是以那种很小的石块来铺垫。一段距离后,就是一个带喷泉的小雕塑, 其实也不能算喷泉,因为,其实就是很小很小的水在雕塑下流出。

这一切, 就组成了一份世界文化遗产。
其中的滋味当然, 只有自己走在这长廊里,和着悠悠的钟声, 慢慢的品味其中的生活才能真正懂得这一切。 照片太多, 我就随便捡几张具有代表性的, 我就不一一介绍了。

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